Car Mount

No. Power button sits just a hair above the clip and works fine.

To be clear the clip on the bottom is adjustable, if you want it to sit higher you raise it to expose the button. In my setup that's not feasible.

As to navigation discharge, I have noticed that too. The charger was able to keep up with my 8X, but the much larger screen, the fact that its AMOLED and uses light colors, it just consumes more than the charger can provide.
To be clear the clip on the bottom is adjustable, if you want it to sit higher you raise it to expose the button. In my setup that's not feasible.

As to navigation discharge, I have noticed that too. The charger was able to keep up with my 8X, but the much larger screen, the fact that its AMOLED and uses light colors, it just consumes more than the charger can provide.
Same here.
Same here.

Ok so I think I found a "fix." I was using one of those 2-prong car charges which has the main charger and then a USB port for a second device. Today I picked up a "high speed" charger from Motorola ( Motorola Vehicle Power Adapter micro-USB Rapid Rate Charger: Cell Phones & Accessories) and now the phone holds a charge while doing navigation. I tried it for two stints of a half hour apiece, one of which where I was on the phone the whole time.

I've been using this for a few years now. I love this thing. I also have the tablet version. Cool thing is, the tablet version can be used for your phone in house as well. Bonus: It stick to anything metal and I use it all the time.

Steelie Car Mount Kit
1.) Where did you get it.

Microsoft Store. I didn't see it at my local Verizon Store.

2.) Are you using it with your Icon?

No. I have the old one. But it works fine with my Icon. I modified the right (top when landscape) arm, by cutting away some of the rubber. Not sure about the new version. See next answer.

3.) Does it block any buttons?

Not sure. However, the side of the box has a guide to show where the arms clamp, so you can see if your phone will fit.

4.) Can you take a picture? :excited:


The pic shows an Icon in it.
Microsoft Store. I didn't see it at my local Verizon Store.

No. I have the old one. But it works fine with my Icon. I modified the right (top when landscape) arm, by cutting away some of the rubber. Not sure about the new version. See next answer.

Not sure. However, the side of the box has a guide to show where the arms clamp, so you can see if your phone will fit.


The pic shows an Icon in it.

Nokia Wireless Charging Car Holder - Overview - Nokia - USA

I'm hoping to grab the new one (CR-201?). I'm just curious if the Icon fits better in the 201 than the 200. I am intrigued that they have a picture of the CR-200 with an Icon in it in the picture.
"Glue" on the back...anyone have any hints on how to replace kept "melting" and my charger kept sliding down my windshield. I pulled it off thinking it would suction to the windshield...NOPE. Anyone have some suggestions? I hope I didn't render this unusable.
I'm hoping to grab the new one (CR-201?). I'm just curious if the Icon fits better in the 201 than the 200. I am intrigued that they have a picture of the CR-200 with an Icon in it in the picture.

The box should have a guide on the side to place your phone against. It will show how your phone lines up with the arms. You don't actually have to open the box. Another reason why I like Nokia products.

Also, I think it's called CR-200 Updated.

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