While all that sounds great, what did MS learn? Where is the Surface Duo today?
The point is, we know why Windows phones failed. They failed because they came from Microsoft. Microsoft is not a consumer products company. Apple is. Samsung is.
When people think Microsoft Windows, they do not think fun. Or ease of use. They think of what they use at work. The thing that is so complicated it takes an IT department to manage it. Thus, a Microsoft Windows phone is something that very few people want in their pocket.
Only computer geeks thought a Windows Phone was desirable. That’s great for the 1% of the population that are computer geeks. Most people do not want to become a computer geek to use a phone.
This is why Android exists. This is why iOS exists. Only computer geeks would buy a phone that runs your garden variety Linux distro. Or your typical Unix. That MS thought Windows was a great name for a phone OS was just stupid. The OS itself was fine, in fact it had lots of nice features. But it desperately needed a new, cute, catchy name. Z Mobile would have had a better chance than Windows Mobile.
But again, Microsoft is not a consumer products company. Thus, they have no clue how to market to consumers. Thus, all they could come up with was “Windows Mobile”. Thus, it was doomed from the start.
As for the Duo, that was just pointless. A horribly expensive Android phone with a horribly bad camera, when we are already up to our knees with cheaper Android phones with great cameras.