Change 'Hey Cortana' to just 'Cortana' to invoke assistant to react.

'Hey Cortana' is basically deaf on the 950xl. She responds about 3 times out of 10 and only if the room is quiet and you raise your voice. It's that bad I actually heard her respond on my XBox One in an upstairs bedroom when I was trying to activate it on my 950xl 6 inches from my face on the downstairs sofa.
'Hey Cortana' is basically deaf on the 950xl. She responds about 3 times out of 10 and only if the room is quiet and you raise your voice. It's that bad I actually heard her respond on my XBox One in an upstairs bedroom when I was trying to activate it on my 950xl 6 inches from my face on the downstairs sofa.

Same. If it would be on public, screaming "Hey, Cortana" 7 times in a raw definitely will give me all attention among people.
Yeah.. Even I think it should be only "Cortana". It feels okay when we say "Hey Cortana" for the first time, but to say it in every command it feels kind of annoying..

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