Changing the place where apps are installed


New member
Nov 12, 2013
I'm relatively new to Windows 8.1 and installed it just recently on a new PC I assembled myself.
Since I use an SSD for the OS I want to keep it as clean as possible and avoid frequently written/erased files.
I already managed to change the default location of the OneDrive folder but I haven't found a way to change the location where apps are installed.

Is there a way to change the location/move the folder to another HDD or is this restricted by Microsoft?

Thanks in advance!
Not sure that there is a Windows 8.1 limitation. Some, if not most apps are hard coded to install at the root of C. But many apps ask where to install. Speaking of SSD, I just picked up one to use in my desktop. I hear they are awesome.
I just read a manual on how to change the default folder for Metro apps installation but it comes with a drawback (any apps installed before the change won't update -> error message, so you have to uninstall every app before changing the location and re-install them again afterwards). BUt it needs a change in the registry and honestly, I don't want to mess up anything there, too risky for me :-/

@SSDs: They are awesome! It took my old PC (Vista SP2, HDD) about 1 minute to boot (pressing the I/O button -> desktop and ready to start programs). My new one (Win8.1, SSD) is ready in about 4-5sec! O.o It's just ridiculous how fast they are.

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