Checked out AT&T and T-Mob stores today...

I'm curious about this as well. I can't seems to find any info about it. Verizon's site is no help and I don't feel like I can believe anything a rep tells me. Anyone have more info on this?

I used to hang out on some android forums a lot when I used my droid and I've never heard of anyone being forced out of their unlimited plan just because they got a 4G phone. I don't think they will do that, but hopefully someone with more info will chime in.
Interesting to hear T-mobile so resistant to WP7. Judging by commercials lately I'd think they had it all over the place. There are two out that I've seen on tv lately. I want to say they were both for the Radar.
My mother is adding my Titan to her plan. Granted it's gonna be 2GB of data, but I never come near that amount anyways since I stay on WiFi when I'm at home. My bill will be approx 35.84 a month. (That's what my sister's iPhone 4S costs)

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