Chicken Can Dream


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Anyone who has not tried out this game definately should. It is FREE and a fun game. Graphics are the best I have seen on a free game and they acutally want your input for there next game, Chickens Cant Fly and have a dedicated section for that. They have built in achivements, unfortunately not xbox, but ones you try to earn whily playing.

Everyone give it a go and post what ya think!
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Searched marketplace for it, can't find it

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
I love this game :) I've been playing it for months now. I believe their next game is going to be an XBox Live game
Still not finding it. Can you post a link

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Ended up going to their web site and there was a dl link for it there. Had to download via Zune and then sync to my phone though.
Yea I am not sure why it doesnt show up in the search. How do you like it on your Titan??
I ended up searching for it on the web on my phone and was able to directly download it without Zune. Strange, but it won't show up in Marketplace for me either. Love the game! Thanks.

Sent from my HTC Trophy using Board Express
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Hmm when I tried the link from the official site it opened up Zune and said it was not in my region or something along those lines :( Guess I'll just have to wait for Chicken's Can't Fly which is LIVE Enabled anyways and should be the first game to have Avatar Awards :)

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