Clear Phone History - protect privacy against border agent search?

Wow -that is just crazy.
I always thought border guards kept a history of transit. They would know if questions were already asked and answered. Sure they could ask again to test, but photos, biometrics, communicating with other border agencies...

Here is to hoping things work out.

I wish their training was as you state. Unfortunately, it's a little more sinister than that. They're playing by a new set of rules.

Muhammad Ali Jr. detained by immigration officials at Fla. airport
I know you have a sense of humour.
I would not be the the only one that had access if a border personnel take it. My browser history is my business on my phone, just like it is on my computer. I don't want them to see what I am looking at without cause. To put it another way. I am not part of the majority. On paper I am. But with all the recent changes, I think any excuse or bias to prevent my fair travel is being jeopardized. When a person born in Canada is turned away and told to get an immigrant visa to travel to the US - something is wrong. Canadians do not need visas to travel to the US.
This is my concern.
Btw, never had an issue before. Well once, I was at LAX and sent to segregated area because border official was inept. In this section there were a bunch of non English speakers. The border official at this window looked at my passport and me and said "what are you doing here, you should have gone straight through" and sent me on my way. If I looked like the majority - this would not have happened.

But I get your point!

just simply browse on incognito mode, no logs are kept, no cookies are stored, as far as i am aware. Btw, why are you so concern about your browsing history, its supposed to be your phone, only you have the access :p :evil:
I know this is not a great reply however, why not buy a burner just for the trip. I always have a second phone for travelling with, nothing on it, just contacts copied to the SIM.
It's not a bad idea - just have to take the time to load all the apps when I get to my destination. I like a nice camera - 21 MP on my 930 is nice.

But you have a good point...

I know this is not a great reply however, why not buy a burner just for the trip. I always have a second phone for travelling with, nothing on it, just contacts copied to the SIM.

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