CNET turning into MS fanboys, good sign

I disagree with the OP on one thing; the title. I don't see it being a good sign for a site to be a ****** of any company, even if it's a company of which I'm a ******. Sure, I might like what they say and agree with it, but that doesn't mean that it's presenting the situation as it is. In fact, it probably means that it isn't objective.

Yeah...i don't mind that wpcentral is pro MS, or Android central is pro Android, macromours is pro Apple etc, but cnet, the verge etc are supposed to be 'tech' sites and shouldn't favour one over the rest. Or bull**** their 'reviews' to make Apple come out on top.
The article is not about MSFT at all, it is about how Apple needs to step up and copy what MSFT is doing because if they don't they will fall behind and 'us fanboys' would not survive that.

Thing is, Apple can't and they know it. They are so locked in to the cash cow of slapping a new CPU on the same hardware and release it as the next best thing without anything changing really that they lost the ability to actually innovate and lead. All they have done for the past three years is try and catch up. The marketing dept is driving the momentum with clever spins on things others have done much sooner and making it sound like now is the time for you to embrace these things as now we are giving it to you in iOS.

Apple is not about innovation and has not been for many, many years. It's all about he Benjamins.

Meanwhile the arch rival has gone through a rough patch and is now coming out he other end with solid ideas, a vision and the means to get there. For your average Apple ****** this is scary like nothing else because, unless Apple steps up, it's the same story it has been forever.. Microsoft will ramp up, overtake and dominate from there on out.

And it will happen again, I have said it before and stand by it; in three years Apple and Microsoft will have traded places in market share and position from where they are now. Android is out ahead way too far as far as mobile goes but they have no place in desktop and frankly it s*cks on tablets. but Microsoft will grab a much bigger chunk of the market than Apple now has with Apple falling behind more and more.

I read on one of the pro-fruit sites yesterday about rumours that apple will go the way of Windows 10, with one OS. Despite the fact that when Windows 10 was first announced, they and their fanboys belittled it as a ridiculous idea lol.
Still, I suppose that if Apple do this, it will be "It's perfect! Apple got it right! Hail Timmy!"
*Disclaimer: Not a fan of Apple.
The first comment on the article destroyed me. No need to include the whole thing, I'll just give you what the angry apple fan opened with:

thinkman Feb 9, 2015
I admit I didn't read the entire article
"To me they are perfection, and tweaks in their looks is just fine as far as I'm concerned!"
Apple fan? What makes you say that? Lol!

Love the anti-fruit comments as well: "you must be smoking an Apple iJoint!" lol

Edit: Love this too:
Definitions of a cult, according to Mr. google:

a) a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.or,

b) a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.or

c) a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.

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Actually, they are already going that way.
Initially, they have clear line between iphone, ipad and mac. iPhone has to be 3.5 inch, ipad has to be 9.7 inch, mac has to be 11 inch +. Now, they have bigger iPhone, and smaller ipad.

For me, it is OK to copy good ideas, just admit it is a good idea and you learn from it (like when you write a technique paper, you need references). For other companies, who got copied, should not sit there crying, they really should keep introducing good ideas and producing good products.

People do have brand loyalty (especially or fashion brand), but not blind. When their favorite brand copied a good feature from other competitors, they will celebrate. However, if their favorite brand are constantly copying others, they will lose faith.

For MS, they used to lose the direction, and didn't see the trend of mobile. They paid for it. Now, they have a good vision and great ideas, but they need to execute well and fast before someone else can do it. If they can't execute it well, others will step up and take away the customer. Then MS can't blame anyone, just themselves.

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