Cold Weather. Phone does not respond


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Hello.. I'm mostly behind the scenes. Hopefully this is not a build bug.
I live in the north east and it get pretty cold here. Today it was 30F. I was walking outside talking on the phone for 15 mins.
When the call ended, I tried to press "end call", but it would not respond. None of the other on screen buttons responded too. Even the hardware touch buttons failed to work. So I go inside, thinking my fingers were too cold to my touch to register. warmed my fingers a little bit and still no response!

I finally tried locking/unlocking the phone using the power button and it came back to life. Has anyone else experienced this?

Hopefully this does not add up to the growing bug list. Today was my last day to make the exchange. So I'm stuck with it. I have occasional call quality problems. But otherwise ok.

I was not wearing gloves. Merry Christmas everyone!
Doubtful that it had anything to do with the gets colder than that in a lot of places...

Definitely keep your eye on it, but most likely (hopefully) it was a one-off where the phone just became unresponsive, or "froze up", although I hate to use that term here...I live in Dallas, and I have had other devices do that from time to time, no matter what the temp was...
I've noticed my titan gets slower when it's cold out and I'm in my car. The screen seems to "smear" even more than usual also. I haven't noticed this behavior with my focus s.

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in Arizona here So not cold but I had the same thing happen on a call last week.

Was trying to switch to speaker and it wouldn't respond nor hang up when call ended. I had to also lock and then unlocked and it came back
I think i could be a material of pants. It is happening to me sometimes, if I wear my phone in pocket of my business pants. Can't accept call, need to push a sleep button and start display again. I think it somehow gets charged and not responding. I had this with any capacitive display phone I had, be it iPhones, Nexus S or any other. Every now and then, like every 2 weeks.

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It drops to around 21 - 27 F at night here, and I do not turn on the heater. No such lag or freezing on my end. Will report if I do find some.
I occasionally get the unresponsive screen when plugging/unplugging my phone from a power source (AC or USB charger). Sleep/wake clears the problem.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
in Arizona here So not cold but I had the same thing happen on a call last week.

Was trying to switch to speaker and it wouldn't respond nor hang up when call ended. I had to also lock and then unlocked and it came back
I'm in southern Arizona and it gets pretty cold down here. Even snowed a couple days ago. I have noticed smearing with scrolling when it's cold and I'm talking 20F or less

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
I thought it was pretty well known that capacitive screens don't react as well in the extreme cold. More likely to be due to a change in the way your fingers react with the screen at colder temperatures than an actual flaw in the screen though.
I had water on my hands the other day... The screen didn't like that at all. Even after I dried my fingers and screen it was so confused I had to restart my phone for it to work right again.
My Wife was complaining of the same thing, but I just thought it was the temp of her fingers. Will keep an eye on it.

And this list of concerns with the Titan is getting a little long, ain't it? Hope HTC sends out some firmware updates before this starts getting out of hand...

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