Spotify is not responding issue


New member
Sep 15, 2023
I want to open Spotify premium apk but it says "not responding". I don't know why it didn't respond in the first place, I just closed it for 1-2 hours and did nothing. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but it didn't work. I tried using the Microsoft store. It has been downloaded successfully. When I tried to open it, it said "Windows Store installation of Spotify found in your system. Please uninstall that version first or update through the Windows Store."

I searched the Control Panel and there was no Spotify app. I can't uninstall it because there's no Spotify app to do that and there's no update option in the Store.

If need be known, I use Windows 11.

How to fix this?
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How to fix this?
  • Launch PowerShell as administrator.
  • Run the following command to remove SpotifyGet-AppxPackage *spotify* -allusers | remove-appxpackage or Get-AppxPackage SpotifyAB.SpotifyMusic -allusers | remove-appxpackage.
If that works, you should be able to reinstall Spotify again. If not, there's a few other things to try but give that a go first since the other methods involve editing the Registry.
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