CONFIRMED: Friday 8/16. Who's getting one?

I didn't realize this phone was so "blue" until I looked at the pics earlier this morning. Not the end of the world but would be nice to see more color options. I hear a black 8XT is on the horizon according to a telesales person I talked to the other day.
Thanks to a friend of mine, I'll be getting one shipped up from North Carolina. I should get it in a week or so. Since I now know I'll definitely be getting one, I can wait the week or so until it's here lol... no local Sprint store has them and it's uncertain when Amazon, Let's Talk or Microsoft's online store will stock them. Knowing my luck after mine is shipped, they finally will :P
My guess is by next weekend hopefully Amazon, Let's Talk, or Microsoft would have it. I gonna try to be patient and see what prices those websites are offering for the Neo & go from there. I know I'm not getting it from Sprint with that Rebate & not in store crap, all else fails Best Buy have it for $150 straight up IF I am not mistaken.
Is there a way on Sprint's website to buy the phone off-contract? If there is I can't figure it out.
Is there a way on Sprint's website to buy the phone off-contract? If there is I can't figure it out.

The only way is if you have a current Sprint account, according to customer service. Due to the way my account is setup, I can't order from the website but I made sure to chat with an agent who informed me a normal Sprint account would get the off-contract option once you sign in.

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