Connected to Wifi on Windows Mobile 10, but no Internet access, HELP?

I've got the same problem. Only my lumia 735 cannot have internet access. All my other devices (windows 10 tablet, android etc..) can connet. wifi signal is great, but says no internet access. And it's only on my box home and, yes, it worked till this past week-end. Tried to forget all the wifi spots, reconnected, and same messaage is coming. It gets its IP address, everything, but that's it. It's a pain. I have to use my other old android phone as access point and connect the lumia on it :-(
Did you try to turn off Wifi on your mobile for some minutes and then turn it back on or switch the phone to off and then to on? It worked for me after several tries...
I've got the same problem. Only my lumia 735 cannot have internet access. All my other devices (windows 10 tablet, android etc..) can connet. wifi signal is great, but says no internet access. And it's only on my box home and, yes, it worked till this past week-end. Tried to forget all the wifi spots, reconnected, and same messaage is coming. It gets its IP address, everything, but that's it. It's a pain. I have to use my other old android phone as access point and connect the lumia on it :-(

I got same problem months ago, I discovered an hidden advanced option in my router menu, an advanced wifi security connection via numeric PIN.
I disabled it and phone returned connecting
Grazie Maurizio, I'll chek if i can find sth like that on mine later on, I'll keep you posted.... But that doesn't explain why only my W10 phone is like that, 2 Android phones connect without problem...
Did you try to turn off Wifi on your mobile for some minutes and then turn it back on or switch the phone to off and then to on? It worked for me after several tries...
Tried both, but 2 times. I'll try more times when I'll be home...

Well, I'm so frustrated. Yesterday, went home, connect my phone, and.... everything allright. No message no internet access whatsoever. And I din't even restart the router, no phone updates, i didn't restart my phone either... IT is definitely NOT an exact science !!!!!! THanks for all your advices anyway.

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Grazie Maurizio, I'll chek if i can find sth like that on mine later on, I'll keep you posted.... But that doesn't explain why only my W10 phone is like that, 2 Android phones connect without problem...

I know, when happened to me I got simultaneously 2 notebooks and one Android phone normally connected >.<
I have the same problem with no internet. I can connect fine if I manually set the IP, gateway, and DNS. but only my 920 has a static IP in W10M. I found a static IP app that works sometimes for my 950xl. I have reset the router several times and now everything in my house has a static IP just because my 950XL has no internet when connected.
Update : it's been a few weeks now that the phenomenon stopped. It has been at least 4 updates on the phone as well. Maybe this explains that ....
This started happening to my 950 XL a couple builds ago on the Fast Ring. Beyond annoying. Can't connect to ANY WiFi access point unless the phone is powered cycled, then it'll connect fine. Until... after some indeterminate amount of time asleep, you wake up the phone and whatever access point you try to connect to will be declared as having "No Internet Access" again. :-/

I'm guessing this is some DHCP problem in WM. Why Microsoft doesn't allow one to set the IP manually based on WiFi SSID I'm not sure. The interesting thing is some router interaction is happening, because you can see that the DNS is set correctly in the network info, even though the Gateway is and the IP is self assigned (169.x.x.x).

Tried setting up a dedicated IP based on the MAC address of the phone but made no difference. Also tried using the "Static IP" app in the store. Doesn't appear to work, so I imagine there was a change from Windows Phone 8.x to Windows Mobile 10.

Cellular data is unaffected by this bug.

EDIT: Apparently it's a known problem that MS is looking into.
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Same problem. Device Lumia 640 LTE. Message: No data connection. In settings try to open data connection but again message No data connection.
Turn off phone
Restart phone
All OK.
If you have a signal repeater other than the router, turn it off for a while letting only the router on. It worked for me!
That's not a solution. I can't reset the routers in the tube network, at work, or gym....
It is a problem that happens recently quite often (too much often to be realistic, cause more than 2 times a day is not stupid thing) and only restarting phone solves it.
Hi friend,
I also had the same problem,but solved now.first go to settings,network & wireless,wifi,static ip,configure network settings manually turn it off then connect with wifi and hotspot....
It won't even connect to my phone hotspot however. Like it connects but says no internet. Idk what to do

don't worry friends i got solution of this problem which is also happen with me. first you open setting> Wi-Fi> static IP and then turn off configure network setting manually. you got it if battery saver is on then turn off if necessary
I'm very happy to get solution because i think to perform soft reset which is cause to lose all usr data and apps games. ok thanks.

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