My take on the 1520... I went through 3 of them, each with swipe/tap issues. I RMA'ed the first one about 3 weeks after purchase, and thought I was golden... for about 2 days. I RMA'ed that one, and even got different color, just to try to avoid a bad production run. I decided to play with that one before sending #2 back. Swipe/tap showed up within the first few minutes. #3 went back without even putting #2 in the return box. I stuck with #2 for the 12 months required by AT&T Next, and as soon as I made my 12th payment, swapped it out. If there weren't a *lot* of phones with this issue, I don't think I'd have run into 3 phones with the exact same problem.
I've said all that to say this: All in all, the 1520 is an excellent phone. It just had the occasional tendency to drive me a little mad. It's fast, it takes great pictures, and has a *really* big screen. Even so, I decided I needed a slightly smaller phone, so I got the HTC One M8 for Win last week. The 5 inch screen is easier for me to handle, and I've no particularly annoying issues yet. We'll see how their support for updates goes.