Considering on selling my Nokia 735 RM-1039, who's interested?


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Nov 13, 2014
Considering on selling my Nokia 735 RM-1039

Hi everyone, I currently have a Microsoft 640 and I'm debating on selling my Nokia 735 RM-1039. This is an unlocked version and is compatible for the North American market. I've used it mainly on T-Mobile with no issues. LTE for sure.

Its the Dark Grey version and is in mint condition. There's nothing wrong with it at all. I'm also giving two tough rugged case protectors with the deal also. One is black the other black / yellow.

I will ship free (only in the USA) as part of the deal. If anyone is interested in making an offer let me know and I'll send you pictures etc. It is 8 months old in case you're wondering.

No reasonable offers, I will put up for auction on EBay.

Re: Considering on selling my Nokia 735 RM-1039


I'm tempted, but the price 735 (RM-1039) is going for on eBay seems quite high, especially considering the 640 is meant to fill that role and comes in about $100 cheaper with similar hardware.

What would you consider a reasonable offer?

Would you be interested in any sort of trade? I have for offer a AT&T GoPhone 635 (SIM Unlocked) and a Mozilla Flame developer device (FireFoxOS, bootloader unlocked, SIM unlocked).

Thanks for your time.
Re: Considering on selling my Nokia 735 RM-1039

Make an offer. No offense taken to me personally if I don't agree with the amount. I wouldn't be interested in an exchange for your other items. Thank you!

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