Conversations About Science

I've experienced two levels of inception where I woke up twice in my dream. By the time I really woke up (...I think...) I was completely confused. I questioned whether or not I was still dreaming. The dreams within dreams were so vivid and real... I questioned my existence for a week. Actually I still do. Since I can't fly and don't have skis made of pizza I'm assuming this is the real world.
Probably didn't help that I waxed eloquent about killer whales not being perky on the best of days, much less... Well, some days I'm just not trainable.
Happy Pi Day!

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Merry Pi day! To celebrate l I didn't roll out of bed until 9:26AM. T'was lovely to celebrate to 10 digits!
I have been absent for a while! When I came back here , I saw a great great things were posted here! Include punch of things I was looking for already! ... So I would like to thank every body here! It is really great thread indeed!
I have been absent for a while! When I came back here , I saw a great great things were posted here! Include punch of things I was looking for already! ... So I would like to thank every body here! It is really great thread indeed!
It's been a little slow but I think it will pick up soon.

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