Corrupt xbox music artist index


New member
Oct 30, 2012
As the title say, I've just discover that the artist index is corrupted. Why do I think this? because when I'm looking for an specific artist, when I push the filter letter (the index letter) and the screen show me all the letters, I find 3 I (/aI/) letters. The artist grouped in the first "L" is "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs", the artist in the second L are the normal ones and the artist grouped in the last L is "Los Tres".

I've just erase and copy all the music again and this is still happening. I can't uninstall and reinstall xbox music since is a core app. Any suggestions about how to fix this (I don't want to make a hard reset)?.

Thanks in advanse.

When you connect your phone to the PC and look in the music folder you will se an Artist folder. The app builds this folder from your music and the mp3 tag in each music file. This is where the artist list comes from.
Some songs may not be tagged incorrectly.
For example, You may have several songs by Los Tres but only one of them is listed under the last L
When you play that song that has the artist that is out of place is the artist name correct, any extra spaces or characters?
Focus on looking at the songs by each artist that is out of place when you tap an L
I would remove those songs from the phone and see if the problem is fixed. Then look at the tags on the offending songs.
Hello T Moore. Many thanks for you response. You are right in one way: When I delete the folder "Los Tres" and the folder "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs" everything seems fine. The song index shows good. I copied the songs to my hard drive and I deleted all the tags of these songs and I wrote the new ones with the MusicBrainz Picard. Sadly, when I add both folders again to the music folder, all the artist in the L letter disappear. Maybe I need to rip those songs again from my discs. Hope this help me.
I'm still having issues with Xbox Music App. I rip the songs from my Los Tres CD, I tag the files using MP3TAG and when I add the folder to my phone, the artist never shows. I erased, and I tag again and nothing happens. If I search for the albums or the artist, the app show me the songs and, the albums and the artist. I start to think that only a hard reset could help me.

Could someone add the songs to their phone and share what the app does?

Here are the songs (3) in a ZIP file!91124

Thanks for all the help

EDIT: as T MOORE comment, if i look into the hidden folder Artist, there is a file with the name "Los Tres" and according to how the app build the index, the artist MUST BE SHOWED (pic added).

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I took a look at the mp3 tags on the three songs. In all three the song, artist and album and year are not what you should see in the ID3v2 tag. The other ID3v2 tags like band/orchestra have the same problem, they all have a capital T following the entry.
Like in the artist field it is "Los TresT", album "FomeT" The ID3v1 tags are as they should be. The ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags should be the same.
Don't know why your tagging program has done this.
You don't have to rip again or reset the phone. If you could remove all ID3v2 tags that would fix the problem or edit all and remove the T.
Get the update to xBox music released today. One of the bug fixes is
•Inaccurate group headers (a, b, c. etc.)
After I check the tags (ID3V1 and ID3V2), I can't find anything wrong. I don't see any capital letter at the end of any field. To verify the tags, I use the ID3-TagIT V3.3.0. Here are some pics.


T Moore, could you tell me what software are you using to edit the tags?

BTW, the last Xbox Music update don't fix this issue.

EDIT: I just noticed another thing: Once I copied the folder with the songs in to the music folder, when the artist index is updating, all the index becomes a mess. Some letters disappear, some artist are merged in different letter and some artist just disappeared

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Why put the badly tagged songs back on your phone? Remove them and don't put them back on until they are fixed.
Everything in your tag picture is showing v1 tags. Look at the v2 tags. What does the arrow on the artist line that says "Ver.1" do when you click it? Does it give the v2 tag?
I am using MP3 Tag Studio v3.05. Steep learning curve. Been using it for a long time. It will only run on XP.

This is the v2 tag

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