Cortana alpha in India doesn't setup

The only interests available with region set to India are news 📰 and weather. Will change region to UK
I switched back to US region, Indian Cortana with UK English never understood my accent, US Cortana gets it even if I whisper.
My Nokia Lumia 720 says "I'm afraid I'm not available to help in your region with the language you've chosen." First I was happy to see cortana in my phone and knowing that it won't work now mad me sad. There might be an update sooner to rectify this.
Set Language and Speech Language to English UK, it will work. But Cortana will find difficulty in understanding Indian Accent

It's working fine with English (india) in my phone 520. And is able to understand indian accent but isn't working in my other 520 with same settings. It do get install but couldn't understand a single word. Weird!
change u r region to US and it will work only the problem with changing the region to US is apps some of the apps have to reinstall and you will see the more apps in store but doesn't work in our country like netflix,beats music
My readers asking me the same.
I think if we want cortana to work in India the settings should be :
Language: English
Region: India, English(India)
Speech: English (United kingdom)

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