Cortana does nothing. Absolutely nothing.

M Reno

New member
Aug 24, 2014
I read these posts in which people describe wonderful things. Notification to leave for meetings, traffic notifications, answering questions, and so on.

I get absolutely nothing.

Not even news notifications.

I have tried a few times to "Ask Cortana", and will get a listing of things from the internet. I have read that there is a common bug that will silence Cortana, and to restart it you need to disable her, reboot, then reenable. I can do that, ask something stupid like "what does the fox say?", and get her silly reply. But that is about it. And I am not likely to want to go through those gymnastics on a daily basis.

I have tried the "remind me to get milk when I am at the store". It is hit / miss. And all it does is display a text reminder! So if I don't remember to pull my phone out of my pocket, then the reminder is worthless!

I am sure there is some way I need to train her -- get to know her ;-) -- but I have not been able to find any meaningful "how to train your Cortana" tips.

I suspect that I really need to just talk to her often, ask questions. And theoretically she will start o learn what I ask, and anticipate. Do I need to do foolish things, like ask "Where am I?" when I know full well where I am, so that she start to understand me?

My experience has left me thinking Cortana is a worthless gimmick.
Did you actually set up Cortana initially, that could be why you have no interests showing up?

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