CORTANA + iOS/Android and why you're WRONG!

Microsoft sharing everything like mixradio, Cortana, HERE maps, outlook, etc... Now I started hating Microsoft

Try and think of it this way, If you love Microsoft services (like I do), then you have the freedom to chose any hardware you want and get the same great functions. If you like something on iOS, they use an iPhone. All your Microsoft services will be available to you. If you like a feature that only an Android phone has, then you are free to use it without interrupting your services.

I know it seems like we are being left out in the cold by this move. But, it is honestly for the best for the company and it will give you more freedom.


Further thoughts,

I also think this is a smart move because the Windows Phone exclusives (live tiles, Cortana) are just not making people switch like Microsoft hoped. Look at the market share, its not great. Those people who are entrenched in the Apple and Android ecosystems are not likely to switch just for Cortana or live tiles or they would have already. So, as a business, would you rather have those people use your software for free and at least get some data mining out of it, or not have them use anything at all? As we can see, I think Microsoft chose the former and I think that's a smart long term game plan. It gives them valuable information on how people use their phones on Apple and Android.

I think Microsoft's focus on those people who are choosing their first smartphone all around the world is the smart long term plan. iphones are usually too expensive, and Android isn't so great on low end devices (but getting better quickly!). Low end windows phones are right where they need to be in order to capture the next billion smartphone users in the developing world. That will entrench those people into the Microsoft ecosystem just as Apple and Google did for their users years ago. That entrenchment will eventually pay off as the large base of users will attract all sorts of developers to push the platform where I needs to go.

Part of me is really disappointed too in this move though. I have both my iPhone 6 plus and my Lumia 1520 on my desk right now. My sim card will probably make it into the iPhone by the end of the weekend. I will sorely miss the live tiles and Cortana. But, when I pick up my iPhone, not much will have actually changed. I still use the MSN apps. I still use Xbox music. I still use the outlook app. And most importantly, I still pay Microsoft for all those services. I don't spend a dime on Google or Apple services (lol, icloud, oh lawd what a **** compared to OneDrive!). I figure that allows them to make the software even better, no matter where I use it. That is what is most important to me.

I know it sounds repetitive at this point, but we really do need to wait for Windows 10 to tie it all together. Give Microsoft the chance to make their vision happen.
I know it might matter very little. But I don't see the trend changing anytime soon. People has embraced Google Services especially for the average Joe. In my school, even though we have office installed on our laptops. People insist on using Google Docs for collaboration. YouTubes is unavoidable and hotmails/outlook personal emails has been getting lesser and more 'old-school' lately.

I bet most of us have at least a GMail account for YouTube. Microsoft need to fix this ASAP. If services is what they intend to be considered an ELITE contender. They need to try harder.

Not just for businesses. But for everybody.
Cortana coming to Android? That's freaking great in my view. It doesn't matter which mobile OS I move to in the future. I will have a full suite of MS services at my disposal.
Well when I buy my next phone which will mostly be a high end android or iPhone I won't have to worry about giving up Microsoft services...
"I know better after being under this ecosystem for years that whatever Microsoft is doing these days means great things to come, as long as you trust them as they trust you, senseless ranting is not needed."

Seems like a very narrow-minded view of things. How has not releasing a flagship since taking over the hardware division, meaning I've got to keep my 920 maybe a year longer than I wanted, a good thing? How is Office on competing platforms good for WP users? How is running firmware through carrier update channels helping us? Microsoft's not an always-right, benevolent force, and plenty of their actions have been to the detriment of customers.
The future of Windows phone and Microsoft

Of late I've been bragging about my new Lumia 1520 and I've convinced my friends to get a Windows phone too, which some are considering looking at the "swag" I pull with my device. One feature I really like is the hey Cortana. My friends seem so amazed and are craving for the phone now because you can simply do what you want without even listing a single button. Now all the rumors in the tech forums are that Cortana is heading to IOS and Android. I went nuts because that is primarily the reason some people are just going to get a new windows phone or get introduced to accept the windows fever. If Microsoft is truly getting this in the other platforms as well I think I really wasted my time and energy to convince my guys to get a WP. Also this is the chance to kill the competition and get on top of the hardware and software table. We all are waiting for the new windows 10 on our devices and a new flagship product so why let go one of your best features to the other competitors? I'm not a good business guy but I think this move isn't right at all so anyone there who can convince them not to go this line will do the company a whole lotta of good so we not start another campaign to "beg" others to get onboard the Windows train. Daniel Rubino, Mark Guim, Richard Devine and the others and all the other Microsoft guys here please, just listen to this one too please and my long lost friend Sam Sabri.
So, basically everyone say that this is a great strategy in long term.
Long term means in this current term, it doesn't happen yet.
There is not a single reason to adopt WP anymore in current term. And you hope that Microsoft would do some "magic" (again, another hope for "magic") to turn table by using other information from other platforms to help their own platform. Do you realize that the "hope" is another "magic"? How do you know that Microsoft will use those information to help WP platform?

So, to put it into perspective:
-First WP have live tiles. Good grief, it's still here. The "glance information". But must remember, other platforms also have "glance information" and it's called "notification center". Without unlocking the phone to look at the screen. Does WP have that? Nope, you can only get 1 single latest notification of a single predefined app to display on lockscreen. Want more? You can get merely just number, or else you have to slide down to access notification center. What other platforms have? Right on the lockscreen! Everything as many as you want.
-Second we proud that WP have Office app, great deal!! Now what? Worst user experience and feature than other platforms. And the future? Still in future, nothing to be confirmed.
-Third, because of Nokia, we can have a wonderful and unique, free offline map navigation. Now also because of Nokia, again, we can see other platforms use the same thing. Don't forget they also said that the development for WP will be ceased down compare to other platforms. But it's not Microsoft's fault in the end. Just bad for WP.
-Forth we greatly welcomed Cortana to our world. Now what? Cortana still in Beta with only a few language. And it's rumor that Microsoft will bring it to other platforms too. Good for Microsoft, but anyone who say it's good for WP in this time is absolutely insane or hardcore Microsoft fan.

Now just give me one single reason why should new users or current users stay with WP beside the fanboyism royalty?
-WP don't have apps. Even when you don't play game or in need of apps on phone. But the truth is the truth.
-WP don't have any unique feature except the UI. And that is the thing many people stay away from WP in the meaning time.
-The fluid user experience? Sorry but recent Android can almost do the same thing, and they'll get better. Don't mention iOS.
-The exclusive apps? What exclusive app anymore? Old exclusive apps are already on other platforms, and it's way much more better.

Oh, I forgot about the camera! Wait, most normal users won't see the difference. Manual control? Nerd! Auto camera? Trash compare to other platforms.
And who know in the future, Microsoft will release the Lumia camera to other platforms too, since you guys agreed with it previously.

The camera has the same situation with "more integrated experience will make users switch". I'm sorry, but normal users, which is most of userbase, don't care or have a single knowledge about this. They just care if the app cannot do it? They switch to other apps. They might think: "Oh, so this app lacks of this feature, and it's main app of WP, then WP must surely suck too! I have to stay away from that trash. Time to update and use iOS/Android apps again.". Their apps store is HUGE in the end.
And if you think Apple or Google just sit down to watch Microsoft do all the great integrated experience and lure users to their platform, then you're too high.

Seriously, If this rumor was true. Then it'd be the last straw of many WP users. They will leave this platform for sure and make the current tiny marketshare of WP become a lot more tinier. Even at this rate, developers are ignoring the platform, then why should they care with tinier number? Windows 10 "magic"? Sorry, but till the time it happens, WP is already dead with tiny userbase.
Microsoft have been acting as if they slap users time to time. Next slap is harder than previous one while they promise candies for next time.

P.S: I'll still use my 1520, but not because of any unique feature (heck, is there anything anymore?). Since it's still working fine and I don't have any special need for phone. I'll also wait for W10 devices and the "magic" if it happen WITHIN THIS YEAR. Otherwise? no more, tired of waiting and being slapped in the face.
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Everyone seems to be missing the big picture here: Cortana does not have full operating system integration like it does on Windows Phone. Will Cortana be able to turn wifi on & off? Will she be able to send text messages, send emails, add appointments to the calendar as in Windows Phone? At best, she'll be an internet search assistant that can talk have a personality. If Microsoft does it right, make a great app for iOS & Android along with great apps, the next time people want to upgrade, they'll consider Windows Phone, especially when Windows 10 comes out. People complain about better Microsoft apps on Android & iOS, but really those OS are beta test beds for when they release a revamped OS update on Windows. People are failing to see the big picture and moving away.
First person to see it as I do!

Everyone seems to be missing the big picture here: Cortana does not have full operating system integration like it does on Windows Phone. Will Cortana be able to turn wifi on & off? Will she be able to send text messages, send emails, add appointments to the calendar as in Windows Phone? At best, she'll be an internet search assistant that can talk have a personality. If Microsoft does it right, make a great app for iOS & Android along with great apps, the next time people want to upgrade, they'll consider Windows Phone, especially when Windows 10 comes out. People complain about better Microsoft apps on Android & iOS, but really those OS are beta test beds for when they release a revamped OS update on Windows. People are failing to see the big picture and moving away.
Very good points Dratwister.
Future or Long term or Wider picture, whatever their strategy is, none of it matters when there is no core user base. What Microsoft is doing now is not really making that user base happy. I absolutely loved WP when I got my first Lumia back in 2013. But I would not say that now.
It was a 720 and there was a reason I liked it, it was far from perfect but it could do things which no other ecosystem did at that point. Offline maps, MixRadio, Fluid OS and a fantastic camera all compensated the app gap and any other downside. A couple of years later I (we) am (are) left with a stripped down Music application, soul less Photos 'hub', broken MixRadio, horrible cursor control (I loved the cursor control in WP8, the best, period), inferior maps with respect to places of interest and don't even get me started about 'Unmatched Skype Experience' which Microsoft advertise in their commercials in my country.

If Microsoft has any ambition about the OS, they should concentrate on the existing features and make them better rather than concentrate on their services across platforms. This obviously is a business strategy, but if you are concentrating on other platforms leaving your own behind what does that say about the vision regarding WP or Windows 10 on phones.

Marketing has been the weakest point of WP/Lumia and it is shocking that they have ignored such a blatant issue. If they wanted to gain market share they should have concentrated on marketing. But I am afraid that ship has already sailed.

Bottom line, any person buys a device based on what it offers over other platforms. My emphasis is on 'over other platforms'. When the exclusivity is gone, so is the market share.
Very good points Dratwister.
Future or Long term or Wider picture, whatever their strategy is, none of it matters when there is no core user base. What Microsoft is doing now is not really making that user base happy. I absolutely loved WP when I got my first Lumia back in 2013. But I would not say that now.
It was a 720 and there was a reason I liked it, it was far from perfect but it could do things which no other ecosystem did at that point. Offline maps, MixRadio, Fluid OS and a fantastic camera all compensated the app gap and any other downside. A couple of years later I (we) am (are) left with a stripped down Music application, soul less Photos 'hub', broken MixRadio, horrible cursor control (I loved the cursor control in WP8, the best, period), inferior maps with respect to places of interest and don't even get me started about 'Unmatched Skype Experience' which Microsoft advertise in their commercials in my country.

If Microsoft has any ambition about the OS, they should concentrate on the existing features and make them better rather than concentrate on their services across platforms. This obviously is a business strategy, but if you are concentrating on other platforms leaving your own behind what does that say about the vision regarding WP or Windows 10 on phones.

Marketing has been the weakest point of WP/Lumia and it is shocking that they have ignored such a blatant issue. If they wanted to gain market share they should have concentrated on marketing. But I am afraid that ship has already sailed.

Bottom line, any person buys a device based on what it offers over other platforms. My emphasis is on 'over other platforms'. When the exclusivity is gone, so is the market share.

Even i was surprised to see that nobody complained about the horrible cursor control in WP 8.1 before. Not at all user-friendly for someone with big fingers. I like the cursor control of WP 8(Saw it in a video-never used it).
Everyone seems to be missing the big picture here: Cortana does not have full operating system integration like it does on Windows Phone. Will Cortana be able to turn wifi on & off? Will she be able to send text messages, send emails, add appointments to the calendar as in Windows Phone? At best, she'll be an internet search assistant that can talk have a personality. If Microsoft does it right, make a great app for iOS & Android along with great apps, the next time people want to upgrade, they'll consider Windows Phone, especially when Windows 10 comes out. People complain about better Microsoft apps on Android & iOS, but really those OS are beta test beds for when they release a revamped OS update on Windows. People are failing to see the big picture and moving away.

LOL! From the past experience, something tells me somehow Cortana is gonna be better in other platforms(It's a Windows Phone tradition). And answer to your bigger picture statement is in the post just above your post written by Dratwister. Check it out.
Apps have been inferior on WP for quite some time now. So, for people for whom it matters to have the best quality apps, WP is not for them. People that stay with WP are those who like the platform, and those who are more or less with the current offering of apps.
IMO it's the combination of no flagships, "in-house" services being offered outside and lack of apps.
The apps I can certainly go without as everything I NEED is catered for and I don't trust anything with my banking details and m forced to carry an ATM card around, yes I am ancient...
I remember when I used to show off to my friends as my 1520 had offline turn by turn navigation in Zimbabwe where Siri had no idea where she was and more recently showing off to workmates how Cortana could send them texts and reply me jokingly when i asked who her father is or how old she is...
My 20MP Ziess camera and before that my 40MP which still performs wonders.

I could go on but the truth is the world has caught up and WP is starting to get lost in it's own circles....
No hardware buttons seems like a trivial thing but coupled with an entry level device with no flash on the camera you begin to see why most people switch.

It's not just a question of services being on a GS6 edge, whilst I'm waiting for the 1530/1030 (with everything I use is becoming available on pretty decent competitors hardware).
So yes it is about flagships and the fact that MS is looking to make more from services than WP which is ok but the problem is this time around us WP loyalists do not have Nokia to fall back on.

1) Make your apps better on 'competitor' platforms than they are 'native';
2) Flood the market with ten-dollar phones (Yeah, Yeah, I know, flagships will be coming ______. You gonna hold your breath for that?)
3) Stop-gap the app gap with web wrappers;
4) Advertise your product... somewhere, I assume. I think i saw a Lumia advert once....?
5) Blah blah Windows 10 universal apps blah blah oh now devs will come flocking to the App Store? Great!

This WP strategy sounds Super Awesome!
Everyone seems to be missing the big picture here: Cortana does not have full operating system integration like it does on Windows Phone. Will Cortana be able to turn wifi on & off? Will she be able to send text messages, send emails, add appointments to the calendar as in Windows Phone? At best, she'll be an internet search assistant that can talk have a personality. If Microsoft does it right, make a great app for iOS & Android along with great apps, the next time people want to upgrade, they'll consider Windows Phone, especially when Windows 10 comes out. People complain about better Microsoft apps on Android & iOS, but really those OS are beta test beds for when they release a revamped OS update on Windows. People are failing to see the big picture and moving away.

Lol, that's more or less what I wrote 5 comments above, so no, you're not the only one seeing that way, mate. And as you said, the key word is: integration (I would add, deep integration). As I wrote in my original comment, iOS users are complaining now because the outlook app is so good, but that it can't bring its goodness outside the app to the whole iphone. That's what I call : baiting. And if the user is really frustrated, the natural home of MS services will be W10, W10 for phones.

Of course, if there is no other drawbacks, like an alleged gap app.
I'd like someone to tell me point by point how MS services are better on other platforms. No blanket statements, facts. I'd prefer screenshots if possible.

I know for a fact that Outlook is NOT better simply because the contacts are not synced from the Live account. This is Outlook for Exchange, not Windows Live or "Hotmail".

Any app on iOS only allows links from cloud storage because iDevices have no native file storage.

This notion of MS apps running better on other platforms is getting real old and real fast. If readers cannot provide proper proof, the posts will be deleted. It is not fair for casual readers looking to us for proper information to come here and find Kindergarten-style comments with absolutely nothing to back it up.

Sent from my ThinkPad 2 tablet
Lol, that's more or less what I wrote 5 comments above, so no, you're not the only one seeing that way, mate. And as you said, the key word is: integration (I would add, deep integration). As I wrote in my original comment, iOS users are complaining now because the outlook app is so good, but that it can't bring its goodness outside the app to the whole iphone. That's what I call : baiting. And if the user is really frustrated, the natural home of MS services will be W10, W10 for phones.

Of course, if there is no other drawbacks, like an alleged gap app.
Sorry for not reading your post earlier. I was so incensed at the I'm leaving comments and hate that I had to say something. Glad to know great minds think alike.
"I know better after being under this ecosystem for years that whatever Microsoft is doing these days means great things to come, as long as you trust them as they trust you, senseless ranting is not needed."

Seems like a very narrow-minded view of things. How has not releasing a flagship since taking over the hardware division, meaning I've got to keep my 920 maybe a year longer than I wanted, a good thing? How is Office on competing platforms good for WP users? How is running firmware through carrier update channels helping us? Microsoft's not an always-right, benevolent force, and plenty of their actions have been to the detriment of customers.

Think about it this way, 3 years on and your Lumia 920 will run the newest software available and with probably no issues at all, while your flagship Android from this year will be 2nd in the queue for newest update a year from now because there is already hundreds more flagships there.

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