Since the latest Fast Ring update, when I perform a search in Cortana some of what I type is cut off once the search starts. For example, if I search for "movie times" once I hit enter it only searches for "movie"
It's frustrating me as well. I'm trying to search "snoopy cooking gifs" and when i hit enter it searches "snoppy" instead. I already posted it on the feedback hub. Hopefully they get a patch on the app and get it working properly again.
Same problem here! Incredibly annoying... Like dropping WiFi connections, a broken glance screen, missed notifications and missed calls (this afternoon three, yes THREE voicemails popped up on my 950, all from separate people; the phone never rang once) weren't enough issues to deal with, NOW THIS. I think we're all victims of a really bad joke...
My search is missing words and making up search terms as well. It sometimes works if I select a suggested search, but usually just cuts it up randomly.
Using a L950 on the Release Preview. I have tried switching few settings available, but its getting really annoying.