In the emulator, I've noticed that when I accessed Cortana around noon, it automatically showed up with nearby (Redmond, WA I guess due to the emulator) restaurants for lunch, pretty cool!
I don't know if it was answered before, I don't recall seeing a reply about it, but can Cortana turn off and on system settings such as Quiet Hours, Bluetooth, airplane mode, etc?
One of the more understated and least review aspects of Cortana is this:
If you give Cortana a verbal query, she will, if able, answer you verbally.
If you TYPE the query, it will just show up on the screen.
This is GREAT!! You don't have to worry about everyone hearing her tell you what she found or ask for confirmation out loud if you don't want to broadcast your business.
Nice list! But where can we see the answers? D=
But of course, I can wait a few days for the preview.
The point of the list was to let YOU ALL try Cortana out and get the answers!!!
Alright, jeez, calm down =/
Alright, jeez, calm down =/
really dude, have you read this thread? This guy is the nicest and most helpful person in this forum lately. Chill ��
Hello friend,
First off i'd like to thank you for all the information you have given us, it has really helped me with what to expect next week(hopefully). The only question I have you may not be able to answer so don't feel bad if you can't, and if its already been answered I apologize in advance.
How is Cortana in the sdk? Basically I am curious as to how limited developers are with interacting with her, example: I'd like to be able to post/get messages to her from another app. I expect that ms will have her hard core untouchable, just from how they handle development as it is, but nevertheless I have high hopes that ms will give us a longer leash soon enough and I have some hopes that 8.1 is that leash.
Also, how do you have her on a device, and could you let me in on the secret? XP
Thank you for everything and have a lovely evening.
Thank you for your quick response, you have given me a lot to look forward to!
I am really new with windows phones, I am an android developer so I am instantly trying to think of apps that i could write to make my wp experience better lol.
I got my new phone this week because I wanted to expand my development knowledge of other devices.
Question: how does 8.1 run on the lumia 520? It was the cheapest option i had and i worry that i should have gone for more power, but so far I have been extremely impressed with it.
Thank you.
"Did the Giants win yesterday" of course gives me the result in a really nice format. Underneath was the option to show updates for the team. Now the team is added to my Cortana notebook, very cool.