Can anyone tell me why games and apps are so much more expensive in the UK. For example the new Microsoft game is $2.99. I'm the UK it is ?2.49 which is $3.98 equivalent.
yeah when you order outside your country you also pay Import taxe.
But there are companies based originally in the UK and have a US counterpart, and we pay more for their products.
I.E. Microsoft, when you are actually paying Microsoft UK
Actually not entirely sure that's true here my friend. I would have expected that to be the case but as a registered developer everything revolving payment (including tax identities etc) is done through the US, so I have a feeling we are actually paying Microsoft at Redmond with every marketplace transaction. At least, all my payments as a dev will come from the US.
Oh and just for clarification from an earlier post, in the UK we don't use the Euro, we have the Pound Sterling (or GBP)