Could BlackBerry 10 kill Windows Phone?

I could harm WP8 if MS continues to play 'Maginot Line' and does not fix all its international XBOX and Windows Phone stores. Also if MS dos not improve XBOX music. As always. If you want to get somewhere you have to be moving.
Blackberry's demise began with the BB Storm. That was one buggy phone.

There was war in the CB forums over this.

Followed by delays and buggy OS's, people got fed up. lack of apps and features... People left. outages didn't help. The features that were very good didn't make people stay.

Microsoft should take heed.

RIM appears to have learnt a lesson. This is a good thing.
2) RIM took its time to "get everything right." They've ramped up hardware production, they have every major carrier in the US and worldwide supporting their launch (unlike WP) and there are unlikely to be device shortages, regardless of demand. They also spent time to fix and tweak every element of the software experience.

This doesn't mean success. Remember the Xbox 360's RROD? They lived through that by getting to market faster and offering compensation (free warranty of 3 years for the issue), so lack of perfection didn't stop Microsoft from somewhat taking over the gaming market in two console generations. Having a perfect product doesn't matter if no one can buy it, which is the case for BB10 today. Windows Phone suffered from the same issue--they were getting destroyed in the spring and summer because there were no WP8 devices to buy and Mango was left somewhat twisting in the wind.
Please don't mind me saying so but the Nokia N9 .... A device that has been in the market for some time now, is a gesture based OS with NO physical or capacitive buttons. So that innovation has already been done.

Obviously this was in the works for a while before it launched. 😊

The OS on the N9 is the parent of active frames one could say. The calendar on both is identical.

It is sometimes worthwhile to look beyond the phone you currently use.

BB10 will bring innovations elsewhere I am sure as there is a lot that probably hasn't been disclosed yet.

I am not saying that BB10 isn't going to be good, rather I don't want them getting credit for innovations that are not theirs.

Well, of course you know that the MeeGo Harmattan interface was designed not by Nokia itself, right? And that RIM bought the company behind that interface ;) Also I have MeeGo Harmattan device as my second phone now, I felt that BB10 few steps forward. On MeeGo I don't have unified messaging inbox. I definitely have notification center, but it's not the same. Active Frames are different completely. At least I've never seen the app changing it's behavior when minimized (probably developers never thought of this feature). The Peek, Flow also do not present on MeeGo. I love my MeeGo device, but it has almost no apps to be used as primary phone (thanks to one i..t who killed the system before it was released). So I'm forced to use WP device now until BB 10 will be released.
Yes. Nokia more or less just supplied the phone. The OS was Meego Harmattan as you say and as I have stated. This has now been open sourced I believe as as Jolla Mobile has used it also.

And yes, RIM have improved it by adding to it and keeping all the features BB users love like notifications etc. The N9's os is 15 months or so old so one would expect anyone to make changes to it after this length of time.

I am glad though that someone has acknowledged the likeness. 😊 Thank you.
MeeGo was first and BB probably copied it. Nothing from Android, nothing from IOS, neither WP or even WebOS, RIM ripped off MeeGo
That being said, BB10 looks a lot better and you won't find a multitasking juggernaut as it.
Yes. Nokia more or less just supplied the phone. The OS was Meego Harmattan as you say and as I have stated. This has now been open sourced I believe as as Jolla Mobile has used it also.

And yes, RIM have improved it by adding to it and keeping all the features BB users love like notifications etc. The N9's os is 15 months or so old so one would expect anyone to make changes to it after this length of time.

I am glad though that someone has acknowledged the likeness. �� Thank you.
I am comparing smartphones to smartphones. Asha and other non WP/Symbian devices are feature phones, not smartphones.

Right now, RIM is far stronger, financially, than Nokia.

But Nokia has Microsoft at their side. RIM has no one. That more than negates the financial strength RIM had now, which is going to evaporate anyway.
So what you think is that Microsoft will give money to Nokia just to rescue them? right...

I think the point is that it will cost Nokia less to promote windows phone because Microsoft is running a parallel campaign. They are also pushing Windows 8, which if successful, will really help Windows Phone 8 in my opinion.

Nokia also has to only deal with the cost of hardware development.

What's interesting is that Nokia has several businesses. Until recently they were all dragging, but the Nokia Siemens networks and Mobile phones businesses are doing well, generating cash. They also have a pretty healthy revenue stream from patents. RIM is a little more vulnerable because their current sources of revenue are at risk and could go bad very quickly if the decline continues. In saying that, I don't think Nokia could handle another OS change, at best if Windows phone continues Mediocre sales, they could pull an HTC and make both Android and Windows phone.
MeeGo was first and BB probably copied it. Nothing from Android, nothing from IOS, neither WP or even WebOS, RIM ripped off MeeGo
That being said, BB10 looks a lot better and you won't find a multitasking juggernaut as it.

You've obviously never held a PlayBook in your hands if you say RIM didn't take anything from webOS. The swipes and gestures are blatant webOS rip-offs. There is no better OS for multi-tasking than webOS (RIP).
After watching the linked YouTube video in thread I remembered what I initially don't like about BB10. I can imagine that it could pose a threat. I mean there are some good ideas. As I've said before, the Peek is a really good idea. Yet, when I think about the demos I can't help but think that BB10 feels like WP but with more chrome around it. This isn't to say that WP is perfect though.
After watching the linked YouTube video in thread I remembered what I initially don't like about BB10. I can imagine that it could pose a threat. I mean there are some good ideas. As I've said before, the Peek is a really good idea. Yet, when I think about the demos I can't help but think that BB10 feels like WP but with more chrome around it. This isn't to say that WP is perfect though.
Where exactly do you see anything that reminds you WP? I agree BB 10 took several good ideas from WebOS and MeeGo (interface and gestures), but as I already said before interface was developed by company that was bought by RIM. I agree that layout of icons similar to Android/iOS. But I don't anything from WP in BB10
You've obviously never held a PlayBook in your hands if you say RIM didn't take anything from webOS. The swipes and gestures are blatant webOS rip-offs. There is no better OS for multi-tasking than webOS (RIP).
Unfortunately I've never used WebOS. But I wouldn't make such a strong statement as "There is no better OS for multi-tasking than webOS". QNX vs Linux (is WebOS build on top of Linux?), I bet QNX will be the winner here.
So what you think is that Microsoft will give money to Nokia just to rescue them? right...

I'm pretty sure this is already the case due to the exlusivity deal of Nokia using WP only. MS doesnt give them money "just to rescue them", but they do give Nokia a quite a handsome amount regularly to stick to WP exclusively.

Naturally much of it is just hearsay and I don't have any official documents backing it up (not like many did), but I dont think the above is really a secret either.
I'm pretty sure this is already the case due to the exlusivity deal of Nokia using WP only. MS doesnt give them money "just to rescue them", but they do give Nokia a quite a handsome amount regularly to stick to WP exclusively. Naturally much of it is just hearsay and I don't have any official documents backing it up (not like many did), but I dont think the above is really a secret either.
Actually it's official and if I remember correctly Nokia receives something like 500m per quarter.
Smartphone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1999, RIM released its first BlackBerry devices, making secure real-time push-email communications possible on wireless devices. The introduction of Blackberry devices with voice, data, browser, messaging and organizer applications in 2002 marked the first true smartphone. Services such as BlackBerry Messenger and the integration of all communications into a single inbox allowed users to access, create, share and act upon information instantly. There are 80 million active BlackBerry service subscribers (BIS/BES) and the 200 millionth BlackBerry smartphone was shipped in September 2012 (twice the number since June 2010[29]). Popular models include the BlackBerry Bold, BlackBerry Torch (slider and all-touch) and BlackBerry Curve.[30]


Introducing the Nokia N9: all it takes is a swipe! ? Nokia Conversations : the official Nokia blog

I think I have already pointed out that I am a BB fan through and through. Having said that I would like there to be at least 4 strong contenders in the mix (more the better). In the end it only benefits us as consumers. I would like to see WP8 and BB10 eat into iOS and Android marketshare in the next 12 months and beyond

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