Could BlackBerry 10 kill Windows Phone?

So I read on the homepage WP took 3rd place for 3rd quarter sales

In the US only, and that was all WP8 manufacturers combined vs. crappy old OS7 Bolds and Curves. God I would hope wp8 would outsell those phones, or they'd be a laughingstock!
Reports from carriers so far are saying that the z10 is breaking sales records of all previous blackberry phones ever sold, so if this trend continues I expect Q1 2013 to be drastically different than Q4 2012 for BlackBerry. This will end up being the first smartphone where the hardware and software are made by the same company to succeed since the iPhone. Someone stepping up to the plate in that respect was long overdue.
1) Multitasking, finally done right. WP8 tries but the solution is half baked.

I can't really argue with this one.

2) Notifications are best in class. I haven't seen a UI yet that is better than blackberry in this department. If you don't believe me check out the leaked concepts on french toast and cinnamon toast. Blackberry 10 Cinnamon Toast and French Toast UI slides leaked | Ubergizmo

If the BB6 notifications have made it to BB10, and been enhanced, then yeah, that's ace.

3) Windows has an integration problem. Everything has the Metro coat of paint, but that doesn't mean everything plays nice together. Wouldn't it be nice to start videos on an Xbox, pickup on a laptop/tablet, and finish on your phone? What about pickup a game a continue playing? Why do all the windows devices seem to have problems with each other?

Yeah, this one really grinds my gears... There is so much missed potential.

4) Microsoft refuses to let go of IE even though it is generally slower than webkit based browsers.

So you want them to go to WebKit and then we get stuck in a monopoly? No, I say stick with IE. It's the only chance FireFox and Opera have. Also, IE isn't that slow. The bigger problem is that people design their mobile sites to be WebKit only, rather than standards compliant. I place the blame squarely on web developers here, and praise Microsoft for not backing down to the WebKit pressure.

5) Microsoft refuses to leverage its strongest brand, Xbox. WP8 should have the best mobile gaming platform period. Why hasn't it happened?

Agreed. Microsoft, you've got so much potential here. USE IT!

6) Microsoft wants to be too much like Apple in the mobile arena. Open the wall garden up.

Actually, I think it's a good idea. The walled garden approach helps protect us from malware. Sideloaded app that's infested with malware which then gets removed from the store? Oh you're screwed, you keep the malware, as Microsoft won't simply be able to remote wipe it.

7) UI elements are often too dumb downed. Simple is good, but often times being to minimalistic removes options that should be readily available and in plain sight.

I don't find this a problem myself.

8) Multimedia syncing isn't that great without the Zune App.

I agree, it could be better.

9) Where are the apps? Microsoft has promised a ton of top apps from other platforms but where are they and what are they doing to get more?

Perhaps they've offered billions of dollars but the developers have just said "We will never build a WP app no matter how much you pay us. So GTFO and let Windows Phone die already!"? You don't know what is going on behind closed doors. Remember as well that Microsoft is universally hated because of the connotations with WinME, the whole idea of Microsoft can do no right and Apple/Google can do no wrong, etc.

10) Microsoft and Google aren't friends = no good native google apps

True. Hopefully the EU can legislate a workaround for that.

11) RIM still has a huge following.

Oh heavens yes!
In the US only, and that was all WP8 manufacturers combined vs. crappy old OS7 Bolds and Curves. God I would hope wp8 would outsell those phones, or they'd be a laughingstock!
Reports from carriers so far are saying that the z10 is breaking sales records of all previous blackberry phones ever sold, so if this trend continues I expect Q1 2013 to be drastically different than Q4 2012 for BlackBerry. This will end up being the first smartphone where the hardware and software are made by the same company to succeed since the iPhone. Someone stepping up to the plate in that respect was long overdue.

So yeah like I was saying...
all in all BB 10 is a really good platform, but as it has been proved multiple times that best products are not the ones that survive ...

Source: Windows Weekly :D
Look how well that turned out for Nokia.......

Actually. Nokia is still alive. They just wanted to exit the phone market and pass it to MS. Since Microsoft is gonna be much more strict to carriers about exclusives and advertising

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Actually. Nokia is still alive. They just wanted to exit the phone market and pass it to MS. Since Microsoft is gonna be much more strict to carriers about exclusives and advertising

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Nokia was mainly a phone company when they chose WP, and at their height were the #1 phone maker in the world. They're going on to other things but Nokia as most people know them is no more and I doubt the aim when they went with WP was to " exit the phone market and pass it to MS." WP was hardly a benefit to them and same would apply to BB.
Nokia was mainly a phone company when they chose WP, and at their height were the #1 phone maker in the world. They're going on to other things but Nokia as most people know them is no more and I doubt the aim when they went with WP was to " exit the phone market and pass it to MS." WP was hardly a benefit to them and same would apply to BB.

Well going WP. They did get paid for it 250m per quarter. Obviously a company would want to get paid

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Ultimately, the payments are irrelevant if a company has to sell a core part of itself because it wasn't as successful as anticipated and they lose a huge part of their DNA.

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