Could Windows 10 finally bring us on par app wise?


New member
Apr 14, 2014

I was just wondering, when Windows 10 finally comes out, since they are looking to unify the desktop and the phone experience, does anyone think our app situation could finally end up being fixed? The way I'm seeing it, if all the apps are universal our app count should go way up? I mean, you would have a desktop market and a phone market sharing the same app development. The ones that are currently being ignored such as Netflix would get more attention :D(I love Netflix) Does anyone else think it would be likely? Or am I just dreaming?
It will help but it will be 2017 when we are almost equal. Long way to go.
On the bright side, in the long term windows might become the number 1. But that will be after 2022 or so..
Looking at how easy Microsoft already makes it to make an app universal, probably not.
I don't agree with the whole app gap complaint in terms of numbers, anyway. Maybe just that there are some good names missing. Who needs 600 identical calculators and 100 simple flashlight apps, and 3000 game clones?
But the only way to get these big names over is if Windows phones had a much larger user base, which probably won't happen with W10. It'll probably grow a little bit, but not significantly, as will the app selection.
Looking at how easy Microsoft already makes it to make an app universal, probably not.
I don't agree with the whole app gap complaint in terms of numbers, anyway. Maybe just that there are some good names missing. Who needs 600 identical calculators and 100 simple flashlight apps, and 3000 game clones?
But the only way to get these big names over is if Windows phones had a much larger user base, which probably won't happen with W10. It'll probably grow a little bit, but not significantly, as will the app selection.

I sort of agree, but the real problem is not app numbers :) To me the problem is the quality of the apps, I mean who cares if we get an app, if its never updated. That's really what I was going for, could we see an increase in quality of apps?
I don't see them really improving the app selection.... What has killed them is not releasing a flagship on all 4 carriers and worldwide at the same time. It's the reason I got an iPhone. Apps I need for work and school simply are not there
The thing that helps them are tools like xamarin. With good cross platform IDEs available no development house should be stuck having to target just one platform. There really is no good excuse not to develop once and target all three platforms.
I don't see them really improving the app selection.... What has killed them is not releasing a flagship on all 4 carriers and worldwide at the same time. It's the reason I got an iPhone. Apps I need for work and school simply are not there
Yeah I guess I agree with you, I mean I have considered getting an iPhone but I just love how the windows phone operating system looks. But I don't know, I guess it is a little aggravating not having some quality selection.
Yeah I guess I agree with you, I mean I have considered getting an iPhone but I just love how the windows phone operating system looks. But I don't know, I guess it is a little aggravating not having some quality selection.

I miss cortina as Siri just sucks, If I want to look for a restaurant I use Google now in the google app. I also miss the start screen and being able to pin certain mail folders to the start screen. Until a flagship is released. I am staying with Apple and will upgrade yearly
The thing that helps them are tools like xamarin. With good cross platform IDEs available no development house should be stuck having to target just one platform. There really is no good excuse not to develop once and target all three platforms.

I don't know, even with the tools available. Ultimately, where the apps go doesn't rest in the hands of developers, but rather the companies that commission the apps.
The APP game is huge I have a Note 4 a Iphone 4s and Nokia 1020 and the Windows device is the best device to use until you want a particular Game, Social APP, Banking APP, Cable TV Streaming APP, Local Shop APP etc... They are just missing too often and when they are there the quality is often so poor its depressing.. I would find it hard to recommend Windows Phone to any of my friends or family at the moment.
Microsoft should allow access to Android APPS to boost the who ecosystem I don`t think it would stop Windows developers and actually it might boost their revenues.

How technically possible would it be to get a good android experience on Windows Phones and Tablets I expect in Windows 10 we will have Snapdragon and Atom devices just like Android devices now

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