crapped on again by xbox live

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Aug 14, 2011
Where is the NEW XBOX LIVE TITLE?????? This makes 2 weeks in a row with nothing new. This sucks big time. The only reason I got a WP7 phone was for Xbox integration. No offense to the indie developers but who gives a crap about a game with no achievements????? The primary selling point of the WP7 is Xbox gaming and achievements. Now before a few people start saying I like indie games go take a look at the top selling apps. That's right not just games but apps and games. Xbox live titles dominate. So please don't bring up nothing about indie games because this thread is about true gamers who feel like we're getting crapped on by Microsoft.
We only get 1 new title a week. Why, why why is this? That is sad. So there is no reason Microsoft can't come out with just 1 freaking title every week.
I love my hd7 and mangos over apples any day and forget the battery killing droids but man up Microsoft and get the games out to your loyal customers.
By the way, have you tried all the XBL titles currently out? Beaten all of the ones that you own? I have almost all of the XBL titles but have not beaten them all, some of them not even close. I'm actualy relieved that they aren't pounding out another title so that I have more time to complete some of their great previously released titles.

Please don't take my responses the wrong way but just because it's been 2 weeks and there hasn't been a release, shouldn't make or break the OS. If you're in it for the games then iOS has some really great ones. I'm a WP7 user because I was a WM user for so long, I am loyal but above all I truly BELIEVE that WP7 is the best OS and will become the best OS. The Metro UI is in my opinion so damn beautiful and I would not trade that for anything else at all. I can't imagine not having all the social integration and the Metro UI design.

Also, you've gotta give credit to MS for ALL they have accomplished so far. Do you think any other company in the world would have a chance against the marketshare that Apple and Android have dominated? In a years time, MS has accomplished more than Apple and Android combined and to me that just shows me that the OS/Games/Apps are gonna get so much better by the months than iOS and Android.

Give MS a break, they have worked their butts off for us. Let them take a breather for a couple weeks. I'm sure the next games that come out are gonna be just awesome. Relax and beat all the games you have and most of all... try some indie games... You will be surprised. Otherwise you might want to look into switching OS's if all you want are games.

Good luck, hope you are able to relax some.
There's no excuse for not releasing 1 title in 2 weeks. Yes I have about 90% of the WP7 titles. No I haven't beat them all. That has nothing to do with Microsoft not releasing a new title. How can MS compete with apple and android if the can't deliver 1 single Xbox live title a week. I had a tmobile wing so I'm not new to MS but I came back to MS for the Xbox experience on a phone. Mango is fresh on peoples minds. All the top apps are Xbox live titles but there's nothing fresh.
MS should have released a handful of new killer titles with Mango but no they just dropped the ball again.
There really isn't a reason. XBL is already being downplayed so significantly - really, you're going to compete against Game Center with a weekly release? It's so restricted and therefore such a huge disappointment (you only get integration and such on a small portion of the overall game selection), and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Where is the NEW XBOX LIVE TITLE?????? This makes 2 weeks in a row with nothing new. This sucks big time. The only reason I got a WP7 phone was for Xbox integration. No offense to the indie developers but who gives a crap about a game with no achievements????? The primary selling point of the WP7 is Xbox gaming and achievements. Now before a few people start saying I like indie games go take a look at the top selling apps. That's right not just games but apps and games. Xbox live titles dominate. So please don't bring up nothing about indie games because this thread is about true gamers who feel like we're getting crapped on by Microsoft.
We only get 1 new title a week. Why, why why is this? That is sad. So there is no reason Microsoft can't come out with just 1 freaking title every week.
I love my hd7 and mangos over apples any day and forget the battery killing droids but man up Microsoft and get the games out to your loyal customers.

I hear you, the xbox live was the main selling point for me too. I went from iphone 4 to windows phone. I really missed the games on iphone but liked my windows phone. after about 8 months of lame xbox titles i went back to iphone 4. it was nice playing all my games again. but after about 3 months im back on my windows phon. the games arent everything. but understand, this mango thing is going to push back development, and then the flood gates are going to open and should see some big name titles come. hopefully ea, capcom, and others get on board. id love to see a streetfighter, or madden title!!!
Here's hoping it's just because of the Mango update and they don't want any more games coming out during this "flux" period and not working on 7.0 and working on 7.5 (or vice versa).
I hear you, the xbox live was the main selling point for me too. I went from iphone 4 to windows phone. I really missed the games on iphone but liked my windows phone. after about 8 months of lame xbox titles i went back to iphone 4. it was nice playing all my games again. but after about 3 months im back on my windows phon. the games arent everything. but understand, this mango thing is going to push back development, and then the flood gates are going to open and should see some big name titles come. hopefully ea, capcom, and others get on board. id love to see a streetfighter, or madden title!!!

I agree, flood gates will open and are opening. We just got Mango, I'm so happy with all the new features I've got and can now boast to all my friends. All they've got on me is games which I know Microsoft will deliver on. You can expect to have everything done in 1 month unless you want half-a** stuff. Switch back to iPhone if you are not happy but like the other gentleman, he couldn't forget the metro UI.
So Microsoft should design, code and release a new game every 7 days? That's reasonable...
So Microsoft should design, code and release a new game every 7 days? That's reasonable...

They have been and they will continue to do so I'm sure. I can only repeat so many times but we just got Mango and so many goodies. Give them a break they will give us some awesome games. Can't wait for Splinter Cell!
Maybe some hope, a WP7 game is mentioned as having some integration with this XBLA game: Microsoft to publish first XBLA game from Starfire Studios - Searching for Fusion: Sentient led me here: Lets hope it comes out in our lifetime! :D

They have been and they will continue to do so I'm sure. I can only repeat so many times but we just got Mango and so many goodies. Give them a break they will give us some awesome games. Can't wait for Splinter Cell!

Splinter Cell is another port though. Need more exclusives and 360 integration, like above.
you mean CRAPED ON BY DEVELOPERS......not Xbox Live....

considering MS does not make games..and they are not the DEVELOPER for ANY of the XBL games.. i don’t think you can hold MS responsible for the lack of games

they already do WAY more for dev then any other OS....... MS did their parts.. now its up to the DEVs...

i agree that we need more games . and better once and not just crapy ports.....

start a petition and send them to Developers (game loft , Bungee , UBSOFT …ect.. )

cause MS wont make a miracle and start making games….. did MS EVER even make a game ?? lol for PC or Xbox? NOPE! (maybe in the 80`s)
you mean CRAPED ON BY DEVELOPERS......not Xbox Live....

considering MS does not make games..and they are not the DEVELOPER for ANY of the XBL games.. i don?t think you can hold MS responsible for the lack of games

they already do WAY more for dev then any other OS....... MS did their parts.. now its up to the DEVs...

i agree that we need more games . and better once and not just crapy ports.....

start a petition and send them to Developers (game loft , Bungee , UBSOFT ?ect.. )

cause MS wont make a miracle and start making games?.. did MS EVER even make a game ?? lol for PC or Xbox? NOPE! (maybe in the 80`s)

Are you forgetting MS has two studios, one created specifically to create games for WP7? Microsoft to open mobile games studio, develop and incubate Windows Phone 7 titles -- Engadget (sorry to quote the anti-WP7 engadget). No excuse for them not leading the way and producing stellar games themselves.
lol , yeah i did forget about that ... but honestly.... whats the game they made lol? pet companion or something??? like NANO-PETS i had on my key chain when I was 5years old . lol.

+ its a new department dont expect epic games from them for a while..

it took OVER 1 year to make * The Harvest* so why are we expecting games as good as the harvest in 3 monthts?
Actually they made Beards and Beaks, and they could definitely work with studios like Epic to do SOMETHING for WP7, instead of the ports we're getting now. And where did you find it took over 1 year to make The Harvest, game wasnt that advanced so thats a surprising claim.
And I just posted on another thread how I wish they would release Xbox Live games without the achievement feature at a price point equivalent to those on other mobile platforms. Funny how some people make such a big deal out of achievments. And I am a gamer and I have over 40,000 gamer score but honestly they are useless. You can't do anything with them except tell the world your a game junkie. hehe!
Wow where do I start?????? On my iPhone I got all my games FREE. Not only do I pay on WP7 but there 3 to 5 times higher than iPhone game prices. I don't mind at all paying for my games with achievements. JUST GIVE ME NEW GAMES WEEKLY. With Mango coming out that's more reason to have some hot games out now. I fault MS and developers but mainly MS. MS has been stating that no game can come out on any other console before Xbox. They also said games can't have extra material that's not available on the Xbox too. In other words MS IS STRONG ARMING DEVELOPERS ON THE 360. Why are they not doing this for their phone??? MS has mutible studios and they just bought twisted pixel. The Xbox live game line up is weak. Windows phone sells are weak and Ballmer's bonus was weak (because of weak phone sells). There's a simple solution. PUT OUT KICK GAMES NOT NO MORE FLUFFER MATERIAL AND DROP A COUPLE HOT TITLES OUT EVERY WEEK.
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Wow where do I start?????? On my iPhone I got all my games FREE. Not only do I pay on WP7 but there 3 to 5 times higher than iPhone game prices. I don't mind at all paying for my games with achievements. JUST GIVE ME NEW GAMES WEEKLY. With Mango coming out that's more reason to have some hot games out now. I fault MS and developers but mainly MS. MS has been stating that no game can come out on any other console before Xbox. They also said games can't have extra material that's not available on the Xbox too. In other words MS IS STRONG ARMING DEVELOPERS ON THE 360. Why are they not doing this for their phone??? MS has mutible studios and they just bought twisted pixel. The Xbox live game line up is weak. Windows phone sells are weak and Ballmer's bonus was weak (because of weak phone sells). There's a simple solution. PUT OUT KICK A$$ GAMES NOT NO MORE FLUFFER MATERIAL AND DROP A COUPLE HOT TITLES OUT EVERY WEEK.

wp7 has been out right at about a year now. its about time for some big time wp7 exclusive games to be put out there. i believe it will happen. microsoft has always been a slow starter. remember how much the xbox sucked when it first came out?? i think in a strange way wp7 is microsofts portable gaming device and will soon compete with the psp and nintendo ds. give MS some time, they are putting way too much money into this without something big happening
Actually they made Beards and Beaks, and they could definitely work with studios like Epic to do SOMETHING for WP7, instead of the ports we're getting now. And where did you find it took over 1 year to make The Harvest, game wasnt that advanced so thats a surprising claim.

I read it on the DEVELOPER web site for the harvest: they had an interview

Luma Arcade

And I just posted on another thread how I wish they would release Xbox Live games without the achievement feature at a price point equivalent to those on other mobile platforms. Funny how some people make such a big deal out of achievments. And I am a gamer and I have over 40,000 gamer score but honestly they are useless. You can't do anything with them except tell the world your a game junkie. hehe!

... Xbox live game will ALWAYS have achievements.... not having achievements on a XBL game ... lol .. lol.... just doesn’t make sens. its something that sets them apart. sure its useless but you can always buy an Iphone.

... as for the rest of you complaning about lacking games.... 4post , 17 post trollers that NEVER read.... check out the some DEv website with ALL the crazy Crossplatform games comming out (XBL exclusive)

and who care we dint get new game in the last 2 weeks ... we have been getting a new one every week for almost 1 year(minus 2weeks)
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