CrazyBalloon (MS Hololens and MS Band edition) and future Xbox gamepad and Kinect support


New member
Feb 25, 2016

CrazyBalloon (MS Hololens and MS Band edition) is a causal game for Windows 10 Platform!
It includes also a Microsoft Hololens game mode ! Aim balloon using Gaze gesture in Hololens and explode it with AirTap gesture!!!! Very funny!!

A lot of Hololens users wrote fantastic review and help us to improve usability and game mode.
Available on Microsoft Store App and also in Microsoft Hololens store App!
From now CrazyBalloon game is available at a SPECIAL PRICE 0,99 USD / EUR in Windows Store

Developer Diary

For the future we have a lot of surprises! Xbox One controller mode and Kinect mode will be available in holiday season.
UWP platform* it is an important resource that Microsoft give to indie developers.
Nowadays platform it is very stable and Microsoft push a lot of features inside it .
In Second quarter of 2016 Microsoft will release Kinect support for UWP Game and App. CrazyBalloon will take advantage of this new integration .
Prototype version it is on the way. CrazyBalloon with Xbox controller and Kinect support will become very funny also for Children Entertainment (for school, public gameroom).
CrazyBalloon it is a game flexible and customizable. If you want more info about customization or special version for public use and / or professional and commercial use please contact me at .



New member
Apr 3, 2012
A lot of Hololens users wrote fantastic review and help us to improve usability and game mode.

As far as I remember, only development edition of Hololens is available for purchase, and this gadget is extremely pricey, $3000! I'm absolutely not sure about "a lot of Hololens users"...

By the way, do you have an actual development edition of Hololens? Could you please share your impressions, and when and how you are hoping to get a reimbursement ($3K is a substantial costs for indie devs; from my WP (five years!) experience, even premium apps are getting one purchase on approx 300 free/trial downloads).


New member
Feb 25, 2016
Hi! Thank you for question.

I had a friend that tried it in his hololens development kit. I developed it using Emulator. If you are a developer i think you know that there is an Hololens Emulator that it works very well. And (Microsoft said and it is true) developing solutions in emulator it is the same thing as developing solution with real device.
I had 5 feedback from Hololens Users. For me this is "a lot" if you see devices available in the world.
Thank you


New member
Feb 25, 2016
Sorry but i want underline that this type of game it is target also for GameRooms.
With next release update i ll add Kinect support (i m working on) and i have already contact for install it in Public Totem inside.
My guess it is insert this type of game in a niche market.


New member
Apr 3, 2012
If you are a developer i think you know that there is an Hololens Emulator that it works very well.
I'm developer for a very long time but never heard about emulator 'cause I don't have any plans to support Hololens; also, I'm very skeptical about Hololens future at all. Last few years MS is methodically bury a nice platform with a lot of inexpensive devices, and who will believe (and spend money!) to ultra-expensive VR platform?

I had 5 feedback from Hololens Users. For me this is "a lot" if you see devices available in the world.
OK, this explains everything :)

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