Cricket Visual Voicemail

I am ok with holding the 1 key to listen to voicemail. Just want the live tile notification of voicemail to work again and the bogus texts to stop. I get at least 10 a day.
I am ok with holding the 1 key to listen to voicemail. Just want the live tile notification of voicemail to work again and the bogus texts to stop. I get at least 10 a day.

I would try a hard reset if you haven't (or another one if you have). On my Idol 4s and my wife's 650 the Hard reset stopped the annoying texts. It turned off visual voicemail as well. and I am getting the icon on the tile to indicate when new voicemail has arrived.
I spent over 45 min on the phone with OJ, a Cricket Customer Support Supervisor, yesterday and here are my findings.

On July 15, 2017, Cricket migrated their voicemail servers and in the process caused visual voicemail problems for "non-Cricket" phones. Only Cricket phones are compatible and supported on the new system. Non-Cricket phones are not supported and are not planned to be supported in the future.

Q: Which phones are non-Cricket phones?
A: When you boot your phone, if you see a Cricket logo, that is a "Cricket phone" If you do not see a Cricket logo when booting your phone that is a Non-Cricket phone.

Q: Visual Voicemail worked for my phone for two years, You broke something that worked in the past. Are you going to fix your system for phones that used to get Visual Voicemail?
A: No. The new system is compatible with only Cricket phones. There are no plans to adjust any systems for non-Cricket phones.

Q: Is there any workaround to get Visual Voicemail on my phone?
A: Yes. regular voicemail.

Q: That's not really a workaround for Visual Voicemail. Is there any way to get Visual Voicemail on my Windows 10 Mobile phone?
A: No. The workaround is regular voicemail.

Q: I'm getting TXT messages from Unknown with the text message //VVM:STATUS:st=U;rc=1. What are those messages and can you stop them?
A: Those are visual voicemail commands sent to your phone. They should be links but your phone is receiving them as texts. Sorry for that but we are not going to do anything about those because you have a non-Cricket phone. No, we cannot stop them from being sent.

Q: I'm not satisfied with these decisions. What can we do to reach management with our complaints?
A: The proper avenue for escalation is the Cricket Notice of Dispute.

So that's the sad tale for Non-Cricket phones on Cricket. This seems rather arbitrary since Cricket encouraged switching to their services by bringing your phone over with you. Now they are only supporting their own phones.

I think if requests and complaints come in one by one, they will be ignored, but if we could arrange to submit several complaints on the same day, perhaps Cricket will take notice. I'm going to suggest that everyone who is planning to submit a Notice of Dispute do so the weekend of September 2-3-4 2017. That is Labor Day weekend. If we could get many disputes submitted that weekend, there will be a pile stacked up when they return to work on September 5 and perhaps get more attention and action.

That gives us a month for folks to spread the word and gather support. Let's use #CricketVVM as our hashtag. We can raise our concerns together as a Windows 10 Mobile community to perhaps gain their attention. If someone could alert Reddit, I'd appreciate it. --Carl.
That excuse doesn't seem to cover all those with issues. A few posts up was someone with 3 Cricket 650s and they still had the issue.
Why torture yourself?

Just get YouMail on the web + ISeeVM on the phone. It just works. Keep your VVM across carriers, Operating Systems, phones, SIM cards and even transfer it between phone numbers if you need to.

And ISeeVM is a UWP so you have it on your Windows 10 computer and/or tablet as well...

When you set it up it will change the number that your calls get forwarded to when you don't answer away from the stock carrier number. That should end the annoying text messages as well.

Or, you know, you could just keep banging your head against a wall.
Ok, I am one with three cricket Lumia 650's. I completely went back to beginning with the device reset through the computer on one of the phones. I was able to get visual voicemail set up and working along with live tile. I am only on third update though, so I have many to go before current build. Hopefully the remaining updates won't break it.
Why torture yourself?

Just get YouMail on the web + ISeeVM on the phone. It just works. Keep your VVM across carriers, Operating Systems, phones, SIM cards and even transfer it between phone numbers if you need to.

And ISeeVM is a UWP so you have it on your Windows 10 computer and/or tablet as well...

When you set it up it will change the number that your calls get forwarded to when you don't answer away from the stock carrier number. That should end the annoying text messages as well.

Or, you know, you could just keep banging your head against a wall.

The biggest opposition I have to YouMail is having to pay $5/month. I'm not with Cricket or W10M right now, but when I was it was nice to have the VVM. If it was a $5 or even $2 option though I wouldn't pay it and would just use the old fashioned method.
The biggest opposition I have to YouMail is having to pay $5/month. I'm not with Cricket or W10M right now, but when I was it was nice to have the VVM. If it was a $5 or even $2 option though I wouldn't pay it and would just use the old fashioned method.
YouMail has a free tier that I use and highly recommend. Even at the free tier YouMail has so many more features compared to phone carrier visual voicemail.
The biggest opposition I have to YouMail is having to pay $5/month. I'm not with Cricket or W10M right now, but when I was it was nice to have the VVM. If it was a $5 or even $2 option though I wouldn't pay it and would just use the old fashioned method.

I've used YouMail for years and never paid a penny. Even the free version feels more fully featured to me than the carrier VVM that I had before I switched.
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Good to know. I only looked at the site a few times and it didn't look like they have a free trial so I never went any further. They don't advertise the free tier when you click on plans and pricing.
I see that, but based on the plans and pricing page, I assumed that was for a free trial. Good to know for those that need this service
I filled out the dispute form, one for me, one for my dad and mailed them out. I installed IseeVM (on 5 devices) and joined YouMail. I'm still getting VVM STATUS texts every day , all day on a 950XL. Youmail is working fine, it answers the phone with its own greeting, and I even see the messages in Outlook email and on ALL my windows 10 PC's, tablets and phones. but still, the texts....
A hard reset fixed one of my Lumia 650. My other one I removed the sim, put it in spare phone. Cricket sent text confirming change. I put sim back in Lumia 650 and texts stopped.

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