Cyan for L620 in india


New member
May 29, 2014
Nokia's showing cyan available for L620 in india but when I am checking its saying my phone is upto date, first time during amber update, I didnt got it ota, has to take it to nokia care, dont remember exactly but I think they mentioned its due to different varient of phone or something, but after that I got the black update ota, and now as its not showing update, is it due to the same problem... Does anyone have it yet..?
Nokia's showing cyan available for L620 in india but when I am checking its saying my phone is upto date, first time during amber update, I didnt got it ota, has to take it to nokia care, dont remember exactly but I think they mentioned its due to different varient of phone or something, but after that I got the black update ota, and now as its not showing update, is it due to the same problem... Does anyone have it yet..?

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