Cyan update on Lumia 925 running Dev Prev.


New member
Aug 14, 2014
I have a Lumia 925 thru AT&T in the Northeast US. I have the Developer Preview 8.1.1. So far, I have not received notification of the Cyan update. I have manually checked for updates, and my phone shows I have no updates available. When I check, it still shows that I am running Black. Has anyone with similar circumstances received the Cyan update yet?
I had this same issue. Turns out one has to downgrade to wp8 then you will get 8.1+cyan update. Why did they do it this way. They should make cyan available for wp8.1 and above
It seems the PFD people have been forgotten, MS have messed up by not ensuring Nokias programs can be accepted, in future releases, (8.1) obviously they are not comparable!
Here's the irony! The pfd people are the core wp follower, **** them off and a big chunk will walk, and!! Make it known they're walking, byblogs just like this one! Hmm finger out time Joe and Ms!
Relax guys, its coming. JB tweeted they'll have a fix and usually when he tweets something like that its just around the corner. And BTW, I see faster updates on WP than I ever did on the green bot.
Still no fix for pfd?? What is going on there at all, its very poor! So, the people who were into wp bothered to do pfd, then they get left behind.. Its all proves to be a mess up, what was the point of the pfd? If they were going to be shafted? That said they've done it before with win 7 people, so we should have known better! WP usage dropping reported on wpc... I wonder why?

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