Czech ROM but polish product code


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Apr 1, 2013
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Dear all,

As others I am also awaiting GDR2/Amber for my phone.
I have bought phone from Poland, but flashed it with czech ROM (country variant, no mobile provider). My dilemma is, which country should I check if I want to now Amber availability. I do not wish to flash my phone, this time I would like to wait for official OTA update.

I might already know the answer to my question, because for Poland it is already available. I have just checked and I still did not get notification. From that I conclude I have to wait for Amber update for Czech ROM country variant.

What bothers me probably more is, that Nokia Care Suite recognizes my phone in Windows 8 with product code 059R079, which is for Poland, but in software details on my phone I can see installed version 1232.5957.1308.0001, which is as stated above the czech ROM. I understand why is that, I am just curious if this will not lead to some mismatches.

What do you think of it?

p.s. I have read on forum that deadline for all countries is end of September, so I will just wait in any case. But since I have bought phone I have always flashed it, and I did not need to solve those questions as I am now.
p.s.2 when I have tried Nokia Care Suite for Retail, it has shown me update but for product code 059R079, which is for Poland. I did not proceed with it of course

Any help and wisdom on matter very much appreciated.
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New member
Apr 1, 2013
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I have tried to flash it, although I did write I will not, yesterday. It did not work out, but fortunately nothing happened, no bricked phone.
So I assume I am really going to wait and see what happens if no one knows the answer.

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