Dan Rubino Says "Microsoft should fund the Cerulean Moment"


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Here's the Blog Article from Dan The Man himself. I won't support the Cerulean Moment, and neither should you — but Microsoft ought to | Windows Central

Read the article, it's very topical for all of us left on this platform. Here is quote though.
...I don't think consumers should have to risk buying this phone, nor do I believe that it even has a chance of hitting a million dollars to be funded. That makes any rationalization here silly.

Instead, Microsoft should step up and give WhartonBrooks and Coship (or whoever the ODM is) a million dollars to fund the project. Then let whoever wants to buy one order it for $175 with some of the original $290 cost subsidized by that million bucks. Remaining phones and inventory can be sold through the Microsoft Store online and maybe even a few stores...

Many commenters on Cerulean have said much the same... What do YOU think?
Considering the NDAs and silence MS wrought upon Murphy, yeah, they should pony up and support the effort. WB could've had more time to secure financing or line up investors.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
I have had mixed feelings. I still want them to succeed. However Microsoft funding them would not change peoples opinion I think. Not everyone is like me though. So I cannot justify judging anyone right away based on words typed, because we can only type so much on to the screen. If they do get help in that way, it would have to be very well executed and planned out. Deep down I think Dan wants them to succeed too.

Ya, to me it is two fold. For a start up they have a lot of potential and great plans. Greg had his reasons for the hype, and I think we all agree on why some of the community sees this phone a certain way. This phone also came at a bad time. I think if Microsoft helps them, it is by plan that they would. If they do not help them, it to is by plan. I have no idea how Microsoft operates now with OEMs or what NDA Murphy signed and for why. However we can all see Microsoft is not just aimlessly heading in its direction

I am a bad example though. I look for any new device coming with W10M and eye it carefully. I would not mind having this phone. I love finding, trying, exploring and using new Windows Phones I have not used before. It is a hobby, and so even though I was still going to support them, it was easy for my to justify backing it. If I was really into Android phones, I would be in a rough spot ;).

Still, granted the given scenario, how does Microsoft expect this one (first) campaign attempt to succeed on its own. I wish I knew more about the OEM program to see what might be going on behind he scenes. However, it could be Microsoft is gauging the campaign just as much as Greg and his team is. I like what Greg has done. I hope he has a plan B, C and D. I believe his efforts to in the end be windows phone/mobile device maker for people and fans of the platform out there is a void needing to be filled or it will be.
Re: Dan Rubino Says "Microsoft should fund the Cerulean Moment"

My only concern (not really my only concern, but it's high on the list) is that what Cerulean turned out to be isn't what MS is moving towards. I mean, it has become painfully obvious that the public at large has little interest in Windows Mobile as it is now. Plus, with all the talk of MS having to create a totally new and unique category of mobile communication devices unlike anything that we've seen before, how would a midrange device running an OS with very little mass appeal help MS reach their paradigm shift that they often speak of? It would be like MS suddenly deciding to release the 640 again, except now, the ecosystem is worse. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Windows supporter. I still use my 1520 and 950XL as drivers all the time. I keep my two 640XLs up and running with the latest Insider builds. I've bought loads of their devices, and I am in deep with their services such as 365, Groove, and Skydrive. I don't plan on leaving. But, I, like many others, was expecting a little more from this device based on articles that suggested a really powerful, game-changing device. Those expectations were a letdown for me. I'm not going to be so arrogant to make a blanket statement saying that nobody needs this phone, though. It's a good device that lots of people could use. It's just being offered at a time when MS is changing their phone plans, yet again, and the Windows Mobile is dead chants are the loudest they've been. It's a really tough sale, and I applaud the efforts here in the forums to spread the word. Cerulean should be very thankful. So now, I'm left with two options: spend my money on a device that I don't really need or want and will most likely just put on eBay soon after I get it, or donate money to the cause and hope for the best. I'm still somewhat undecided. I will do one or the other, for sure, though, because I really don't think MS is going to step in and save this thing.
Ok. I will admit I am a mobile phone enthusiast. If Microsoft moves into a new category of mobile devices that is yet to be defined, I am not just going to jump into it, unless it offers more, or something unique that I need for my life in the here and now. What does Microsoft think they can possibly offer the world at this point (affordable) that we do not already have. Mobile phones will be around in their current state for long time to come. If Microsoft keeps allowing their OS to run on devices in the current SoC set 820, 810, 808, 617, 210, etc..then OEMs will be able to make what they want or the consumer might be into. W10M os is a good solid OS. Considering all the freakin flavors or Android out there, it is crap shoot as to what type of phone you will get when you go looking. With W10M at least I know what I am getting on the base front. I know what is under the hood. If an OEM adds to what is already there then that sweetens the deal. I want Cerulean and others to keep moving. We have no idea what in the world Microsoft is leading us into, and that seems to be the problem.
Re: Dan Rubino Says "Microsoft should fund the Cerulean Moment"

But, I, like many others, was expecting a little more from this device based on articles that suggested a really powerful, game-changing device. Those expectations were a letdown for me. I'm not going to be so arrogant to make a blanket statement saying that nobody needs this phone, though. It's a good device that lots of people could use. It's just being offered at a time when MS is changing their phone plans, yet again, and the Windows Mobile is dead chants are the loudest they've been.
Maybe it was a metaphor. Maybe Microsoft is that "really powerful, game-changing device". :0
I am trying to humor us here...
Re: Dan Rubino Says "Microsoft should fund the Cerulean Moment"

For the record, I've been a huge Windows promoter in my neck of the woods. I've been a member here for a fairly long time, and have tried to be a positive presence here. I love W10 and W10M, and would recommend it to anybody who needs a well designed, fluid OS. It's the reason I just can't let go of my Windows phones. Or, if I do, I find myself on eBay buying another one. Ha ha. I also always pay for apps when the apps I want or want to try out aren't free. I I have absolutely no problems taking what amounts to pocket change to support developers. I totally respect the knowledge they have. I wish I had seen RumoredNow's thread about supporting developers. For some reason, I never knew about it. I would have supported it, without a doubt. My problems arose a couple of years ago when the school district I teach in jumped all in with Google. Suddenly, all of our communications, documents, websites are all through Gmail, Docs, or Chrome. To stay up to speed, I had to go out and buy an Android device. And after a week or so, I kinda started liking it. It's a huge OS, and it can be overwhelming. But, it was so fleshed out and mature. And then I found the apps. I still flipped back and forth between my 1520 and my X2, but I found myself using the X2 more for work purposes. It got to the point that I just couldn't rely solely on my 1520 anymore. In comparison, the X2 could do everything. I analyzed my situation and found that I was carrying two phones around, not because I had a work issued phone, but because I was sticking with an OS that couldn't do what I needed. The funny thing was, I knew there were others out there like me. Ha ha. I thought one day, would I buy another car with more features but keep my other car just because I liked the looks of my old car??? Most likely no. I know that's an overexagerated example, but my point is, it was becoming more and more obvious to me that W10M just couldn't do what I needed day to day. So, why should I keep trying to force it to fit my needs? I'm all for the Cerulean. My complaints all are aimed at MS. They have billions of dollars to work with. I have a monthly paycheck to balance between wants and needs. MS needs to start cooking or get out of the kitchen. They simply can't leave it up to the fans to carry the torch.
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Re: Dan Rubino Says "Microsoft should fund the Cerulean Moment"

Maybe it was a metaphor. Maybe Microsoft is that "really powerful, game-changing device". :0
I am trying to humor us here...
Ha ha. The guy at WB is just a huge fan with a big dream. I have much respect for him. He just let the cart get before the horse a little. I really wish his backer had not pulled support.
Here's the Blog Article from Dan The Man himself. I won't support the Cerulean Moment, and neither should you — but Microsoft ought to | Windows Central

Read the article, it's very topical for all of us left on this platform. Here is quote though.

Many commenters on Cerulean have said much the same... What do YOU think?

What do I think? I think the important part here is actually not that MS isn't supporting the phone, but that Rubino thought it was a brilliant idea to plaster the front page of this website with the message that users shouldn't support the cell phone.

I mean, does he want that phone to succeed or is he paid by Samsung or something?

As a person who has the power to influence opinion he had a choice here: Encourage users to make this phone successful, or join the whine-train to nowhereville and complain about Microsoft. Hey, whatever generates clicks I guess, and these days it's most certainly negativity.

Look, if MS wanted to support this phone they'd have done so by now. Since they haven't, do you really think they will because Windows Central's Rubino complains about it online? Probably not. So, he's then left with either trying to shame Microsoft into still doing nothing, or encourage users to make it succeed.

I guess "the man" has to make a living though, right?
What do I think? I think the important part here is actually not that MS isn't supporting the phone, but that Rubino thought it was a brilliant idea to plaster the front page of this website with the message that users shouldn't support the cell phone.

I mean, does he want that phone to succeed or is he paid by Samsung or something?

As a person who has the power to influence opinion he had a choice here: Encourage users to make this phone successful, or join the whine-train to nowhereville and complain about Microsoft. Hey, whatever generates clicks I guess, and these days it's most certainly negativity.

Look, if MS wanted to support this phone they'd have done so by now. Since they haven't, do you really think they will because Windows Central's Rubino complains about it online? Probably not. So, he's then left with either trying to shame Microsoft into still doing nothing, or encourage users to make it succeed.

I guess "the man" has to make a living though, right?

While I'm rather new to the forums, I was shocked to read his article. I really thought it was a joke at first and he was going to explain himself. There's enough negativity in the forums - we don't need it on the front page. I think we deserve an apology.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I don't believe his loyalties have shifted and remain convinced he is still firmly in the Windows on Mobile camp...

I was surprised to see him join the opinion of blog comment regulars though.
While I'm rather new to the forums, I was shocked to read his article. I really thought it was a joke at first and he was going to explain himself. There's enough negativity in the forums - we don't need it on the front page. I think we deserve an apology.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

I'm on the fence about Dan's article. As Editor-In-Chief his first responsibility is to the readers and whitewashing the truth is decidedly a disservice. On the other hand, throwing WhartonBrooks under the proverbial bus isn't helping the cause. There's too many morons with keyboards, aka journalists, salivating at the chance to quote Dan's article on their own column and proclaim to the masses that "See, even their own say Windows phones is dead". To the casual observer it would appear there's a lot of infighting going on here just by reading the doom and gloom posts and to that end, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

As @RumoredNow posited, this too may be my last hurrah on this platform. I'm on Windows because I want to, I have flagship phones from 4 mobile OSes. Each has its own set of strengths and weaknesses which is part of the reason I'm such a chronic SIM switcher. What I don't need is to see members despise this platform so much that any "rah-rah" is met by "are you being paid". That's bull****.
I'm on the fence about Dan's article. As Editor-In-Chief his first responsibility is to the readers and whitewashing the truth is decidedly a disservice. On the other hand, throwing WhartonBrooks under the proverbial bus isn't helping the cause. There's too many morons with keyboards, aka journalists, salivating at the chance to quote Dan's article on their own column and proclaim to the masses that "See, even their own say Windows phones is dead". To the casual observer it would appear there's a lot of infighting going on here just by reading the doom and gloom posts and to that end, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

As @RumoredNow posited, this too may be my last hurrah on this platform. I'm on Windows because I want to, I have flagship phones from 4 mobile OSes. Each has its own set of strengths and weaknesses which is part of the reason I'm such a chronic SIM switcher. What I don't need is to see members despise this platform so much that any "rah-rah" is met by "are you being paid". That's bull****.

I will back off from these forums before I leave the platform. The platform has been good to me.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I will back off from these forums before I leave the platform. The platform has been good to me.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Nah don't, you're one of the good guys. I didn't lump you into that group of malcontents, at all. I apologize if you felt I did.
Nah don't, you're one of the good guys. I didn't lump you into that group of malcontents, at all. I apologize if you felt I did.

No, no, I wasn't speaking about you at all! I was just making a general comment. I would rather leave the negativity than leave the platform. Its members like you that keep me coming back!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I'm on the fence about Dan's article. As Editor-In-Chief his first responsibility is to the readers and whitewashing the truth is decidedly a disservice. On the other hand, throwing WhartonBrooks under the proverbial bus isn't helping the cause. There's too many morons with keyboards, aka journalists, salivating at the chance to quote Dan's article on their own column and proclaim to the masses that "See, even their own say Windows phones is dead". To the casual observer it would appear there's a lot of infighting going on here just by reading the doom and gloom posts and to that end, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Yep. That's pretty much what I think. He could have made the same point but phrased it in a positive way. People today have as much attention-span as it takes to read a Tweet, so that headline is terrible if he really wants W10M to survive and do well as a consumer platform.

As @RumoredNow posited, this too may be my last hurrah on this platform. I'm on Windows because I want to, I have flagship phones from 4 mobile OSes. Each has its own set of strengths and weaknesses which is part of the reason I'm such a chronic SIM switcher. What I don't need is to see members despise this platform so much that any "rah-rah" is met by "are you being paid". That's bull****.

Personally, I'll leave the platform when it's time to get a new phone. My 950 takes pretty pictures and does what I want my phone to do, so until that changes there's zero reason for me to switch. And coming from Android both it and especially iOS have awful-looking GUI to me. I used to be ok with Andoid, but having had the W10M start screen for a while I just can't see myself going back to that ugly stuff.
I didn't read Dan's article as being overly negative; I took it as an assessment of the crowdfunding effort.

Now, I don't think Microsoft is necessarily obligated to fund this project, but I thought Dan's latent message is that platform enthusiasts shouldn't be more invested in the platform's performance than Microsoft itself.

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