Dang, Windows Hello no longer works on my 950XL

Sin Ogaris

New member
Oct 13, 2013
For some weird reason Windows Hello just up and stopped working for me and it comes up with an error when I try and set it up again.

Anyone else have this issue?
Unfortunately a reset isn't an option as I don't want to use up my limited internet downloading Gigabytes worth of software again, and also losing progress in games and the like.
Yes my 950 Windows hello.stopped working after I used the devices recovery tool to reinstall Win 10 Mobile. It starts setting it up the eye's, then says something's went wrong try again. It keeps saying that everytime I try it.
It works on my 950, but is so much slower now than it used to be. It takes a few seconds before it even shows on the lockscreen that it is scanning.
re: windows hello.
I was reluctant to chat about this. I have the same prob.. This is for the phone.

The iris scan is too slow. When will it become functional?

Windows Hello in my 950 was good when I bought the phone and now it started to become slow and takes more time to recognize.

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