Data sense?

to be fair, AT&T has poor support for most devices. Its not just WP they shaft. Your pretty safe with iPhones, of course... They are just as terrible with Blackberry, maybe worse, and Android seems hit or miss.

Android as a whole seems to get very little love. Unless you buy a Nexus device direct from Google off-contract, or you root your Android device, you're likely not going to see many updates. ANd of course, the Nexus devices are running pure, stock Android, and they're off-contract, so that's the only real reason they receive updates.

Samsung occasionally updates devices, but as you said, it's a hit or miss. On the whole, if you buy any Android device (again, with the exception of Nexus devices and some Samsung flagships), don't expect any major updates. That's Android fragmentation for ya...
IOS and Droid don't have a datasense like feature where it can lower your data usage either.
Maybe not...but they have apps that can let you monitor data usage in real time, and what apps are using that data. In fact, android has had that part baked into android since ice cream sandwich....and at&t didn't strip that out.

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