Deleting words added to custom dictionary


New member
Jan 12, 2016
I also had this posted on the 950XL forum, but since this is a more generic W10 Mobile question I also figured that I would ask here.

I added a misspelled word to my custom dictionary on accident.

Any guidance on how to clear out the custom dictionary? There is a lot of guidance about how to do it in WM8 and WM8.1, but the setting to clear the personal dictionary is not there in W10 Mobile.

Any idea -- or has anyone else figured this out yet?
I have done this a number of times already.

Settings > Privacy > Speech, inking, & typing > Get to know me or Stop Getting to Know Me

The problem with this is that it deletes all the words you added. There is no option to delete individual words.

If you're fine with starting adding your words from scratch then it there's no issue.

A later update to the link Rob posted states that support for individual dictionary word removal is coming in future builds. It was a feature added in build 14946. (General Availability is 14393, FYI).

Ran into this little [lack of] feature today... It was maddening that I couldn't tap and hold on a word to remove it... Sigh. At least relief is coming.
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