This is interesting news. Even if it was conceptual and on hold for a while. Or if it never really materializes.
I've been in the IT industry for a while. When I first heard of stack used in reference to Microsoft and Dell it was regarding a self contained VM/Azure system that could manage cloud services, AD, VM hosted environment, etc, you name it... This was a couple of years ago. Really impressive systems, if you know what you're lookin at and what to do with them. So when I saw the news listed here and by EV Leaks article with such terms referenced, it made me wonder for a second about Microsoft as a service. How that might be used by other OEM/Vendor companies in more than just their own concept hardware. Maybe to leverage this for their own type of system Microsoft or Microsoft-like service, with a product looking like the one displayed here. Honestly just sharing thoughts here. Truth is we really do not know what is all included in this device (and/or service), but it is more than just the personal device we might see everyday.