Dell XPS 13 2015 or HP Spectre x360?

I've had the HP Spectre x360 for a couple of weeks now and am a very happy camper. Bought it at my local MSFT Store (i7 with 8GB system memory and 256 GB SSD). I've had no problems with the trackpad, palm rejection, etc.

My only long-term concern are the two mechanical hinges. They're spaced far apart and when you carry the closed device hinges down (like a book in one hand), there's some flex in the center between the hinges. Other than that paranoid nitpick, the thing looks solid.
You see i am also planning to go for a hp spectre x360 (1399$). I will be going for the top of the line model here is the catch i will be using this laptop for at least 4-5(long term) years.So my concern is will it support features of windows 10 (like windows hello facial recognition and many other features as it requires the latest chip from intel ect.) without affecting the performance much . Or do i wait till devices come out with a windows 10. I will mostly going for a 13 inch ultrabook.
PS: please help me decide .
I would recommend a visit to the Microsoft store, if you have one nearby or chat with their sites virtual ssalespeople. I chose the x360 at 1149 (i7, 256GB, 1080P). Have a problem, go to microaoft, something breaks go to Microsoft. It's an eerily similar experience to the Apple store just minus the isheep. The way Win10 is being touted you'll have support for the forsee able future of your x360. It is a wonderful machine amd I couldn't be happier with it. Good luck with your decision.

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