Denim update?


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Hi, does anyone know when the Denim update will be available for the 930 in UK? I'm on EE network
Well they said Q4 which has about a month left if its not here by the second week of December then its not coming till like February probably
I already tweeted Joe Belfiore today about this but got no answer.

I suggest you do the same without spamming the guy though. :)
31 December will still be Q4.

Yeah but in the US the last week to 2 weeks of December is off for a lot of people and I doubt Microsoft would push out a firmware update when a bunch of their support staff might have vacations
No other "solid" info than this: Updated: This is what we heard about Lumia Denim update roll-out. | NPU
"Slightly bad news here!! It seems Lumia Denim update release timelines may have been adjusted and some issues identified during release testing may be the reason behind this.
Our sources now expect it to start rolling out in early second half of November. This means a delay of at least 2-3 weeks from what we shared earlier. The complete roll-out schedule will stretch to 2 months and it may not be before January 2015 that it rolls out to all the Lumia devices out there."
Yeah but in the US the last week to 2 weeks of December is off for a lot of people and I doubt Microsoft would push out a firmware update when a bunch of their support staff might have vacations

I thought the whole world was off for those two weeks. Lol. Was just saying.
Yeah but in the US the last week to 2 weeks of December is off for a lot of people and I doubt Microsoft would push out a firmware update when a bunch of their support staff might have vacations

I think you don't understand that TI guys works every day of week, even on dates like december. We are the new slaves!!! lol
To believe WP users discussing when GDR1 = DENIM will be released, the first of two updates before WP10 and Google announcing Android 5.0, Samsung announcing S6, NOTE 5, constant updates to features to their OS that we barely get a 1/4 of. Updates to apps and so on and so on, honestly how will MS ever make the WP users feel when the starter's gun goes off that we're up there in the race and not glued to the blocks.

FYI MS does not care!!! How can they if they created an OS that omitted features that the main rivals had as common place. Now struggling to implement these features that are as easy as saying the air is free worldwide. Why take what worked, tried to tweak it for the worse for most and then say it's what works for the OS, really!! In the end MS does not use WP it's the consumers who use it and when you have an OEM making a device or OS that they themselves think/believe that the consumers want without asking/querying their needs then what is created will be lacking. MS right now is practically giving away what we the WP consumer base believes should be solely WP/W and not given away for free but this is all about $$, so there's 0 we can do or say to change that.

You know it's BAD when you have people salivating as to when an update to create LIVE FOLDERS will be available, imagine live folders and not updates to bring the OS to parity to at least IOS 7/Android Kit Kat!!! Now it's catch up to IOS8/LOLLIPOP hoping they don't get too far ahead and hopefully WP10 will either be on par or go a bit further if at all possible with the "BRAINS" we have at MS working on OS upgrades that are ALWAYS BEHIND the competition.

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