Derailed thread dumping ground

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Apr 11, 2014
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Hello WC staff and community. I don't see them too often, but given the level of passion users here have, going against the needs of others to have topics STAY on topic, I would like to suggest a new sub forum under the Community section dedicated as a dumping ground for derailed or hijacked threads.

My suggested name is Endless Debate. I personally hate to see threads get shut down just because they meander as most conversations in real life are prone to doing. However I do understand that sub forums exist as areas for certain subjects.

Not only do I feel this would keep debates open long after the topic has shifted from the initial post, and potentially loading up on info, it would also give a general area for any type of debate to erupt unhindered and away from clogging the main forums.

It wouldn't be a stretch to call it an aggregate of The "Off Topic" Lounge, Phone Wars, and Console Wars.

I would go on to propose that if a thread has gone longer than a page of discussion that hasn't got anything to do with the OP or original topic, it would qualify as a candidate for being moved to this sub forum.


Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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No, this is not an idea that would benefit our community. The forums are all designed to benefit our members, and those of us who are Moderators and Ambassadors believe that all members can make positive contributions in all forums. We encourage everyone to post according to the Community Rules, and we value all contributions.

In the rare instances when someone derails a thread, please report the post, and the Moderators will be able to assist.

We want to keep the forums full of good threads that help all of our members, and we do not want to create any forums that would be the equivalent of a garbage dump. Our members deserve better!
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