Did Apple screw up?


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Aug 21, 2011
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Both were rumors. There's no proof that says sprint spent 20 billion on the iPhone. That rumor went hand and hand with the exclusivity rumor.

Even if they didn't drop all that scratch, they are definitely adjusting their business expecting a huge influx of iphone users. I don't think they are goin to see the rush they expect and another small incremental upgrade won't bring extra excitement to help them.

Regardless, I am done with Sprint. I don't want a 3.6" screen and that is my only option outside of android, which I can't stand.

-- Sent from my HP TouchPad using Communities


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Jun 22, 2011
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I read an article on line about it and someone said this is, for the first time that Apple has maintained and not been ahead and they will noiw have to catch up or something like that. The only thing compeeling about the 4s is the 64GB memory. And with the notice that the Titan and Focus are using 16GB NAND memorty, hey if they can use 16GB they should be able to use 64GB NAND or dual NANDS

Catch up??? If anyone thinks Apple aren't ahead other than having a best-in-class display, optimized dual-core processor, 8MP version of what was one of the best mobile cameras already AND the best supported app ecosystem, go and look at the Siri demo:

Apple iPhone 4S Siri demo - YouTube

You know how the computer works in Star Trek when they just talk at it? Yeah, Apple delivered that about a century ahead of schedule.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Catch up??? If anyone thinks Apple aren't ahead other than having a best-in-class display, optimized dual-core processor, 8MP version of what was one of the best mobile cameras already AND the best supported app ecosystem, go and look at the Siri demo:

Apple iPhone 4S Siri demo - YouTube

You know how the computer works in Star Trek when they just talk at it? Yeah, Apple delivered that about a century ahead of schedule.

But, now they have a year old design, a smaaaalll 3.5" display, no version of a start/home screen in iOS5, a workaround for a camera button (on unlock screen), same design possibly = continued antennagate issue, and still a huge problem with phones breaking when dropped...

They are at a minimum even with the rest of the playing field now. The competition has a year to move fwd and ahead since Apple only has 1 design a year.


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Jun 22, 2011
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1. Look at most mobile phone designs. Pretty similar, huh? The 4S may look a lot like the 4, but then the 4 is actually one of the most stand-out designs out there - and still is - so why ditch it for the sake of it? HTC had a year and came up with something that looks like a reheated Wildfire (Radar) and a black slab (Titan). The Omnia 7S looks like a galaxy S2, which also looks like a black slab. There's Apple and Nokia, and then everyone else is by and large variations on the same old theme.
2. Not everyone wants a whopper of a screen (and resolution - and readability - is still king). Bigger isn't necessarily better. I'd rather have a pin-sharp 3.5 display than a grainy near-5 inch display.
3. So? That's just a different UI design. You could equally complain e.g. WP7 has no folders.
4. Loads of models don't have a dedicated camera button. At least there is now a shortcut - and ultimately it's quality of photos that counts, and I can tell you from experience the iP4 camera is outstanding so I expect this new version to be at least as good, but of course at higher resolution.
5. This is changed - the antenna design is now the same for all models as the Verizon iP4 - and it's an effect I can replicate on my HTC Mozart and pretty much any other smartphone I've tried it with anyway (in fact, I even once got an Android ****** to walk off in a huff after getting his Xperia Arc to drop from 4 bars to 0).
6. Show me the phone that's indestructible.

Again, I'm not ditching my WP7 phone. But let's not do this. For every criticism and shortcoming someone can find with the 4S, I can think of at least as many for WP7 phones. I just wish we could get to a state where people appreciate any decent product with exciting new features on merit rather than playing the silly "my XX is better than your XX" contest. I've seen that since I owned a ZX Spectrum and my neighbour had a Commodore 64, and the arguments are the same now as they ever were.

The 4S is a great phone. Pretending it isn't will not stop that being true, but accepting it is doesn't make what you've got/prefer automatically worse either.


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Sep 20, 2011
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Everyone can sit here and talk about isheep and the same design until the cows come home, but iphone is what it is, and regular everyday users want something that just works without having to wait for updates every few months. They just want to turn on their phone and go, and guess what, the iphone does that, and does it well. Apple's famous saying is very true weather you like it or not, "people like our phones, because IT JUST WORKS." Listen I can't stand the iphone, it's such a frickin' boring phone, but take my wife for instance. she can't stand my constant tech. talk. She doesn't even want to think about other platforms, because her phone is easy to understand, and it JUST WORKS. She is not stupid either, being a nurse she has to be on top of her game constantly. It's impressive watching her using that iphone, it's like an extension of her hand. Anyway that's what we are up against, and until MS's platform matures, and it will MS has an awsome team, they are young and full of idea's, and they listen to their customers. I think once MS feels their platform is where it needs to be on the market, they will start really pushing commercials, and until then, it's just going to be word of mouth for them.


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Sep 29, 2011
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The thing is, people who love their iPhones don't care about whats inside, and that is obvious because they made a nice piece or hardward but no one is impressed because it looks the same. It is all appearances for them, how cool do I look, how cool will people think I am with this phone, will my friends be jealous and have to run out and upgrade too? It it was put into an new frame, it would have been the best thing on the planet.

They are playing catch up on many points, the camera button, the voice thing, 8mp camera, dual core processors, etc. Other things they are ahead of the game. It is like that with every OS, some have this and that and some don't

I could not go back to less than a 4" screen after rocking my Focus for almost a year now. 3.5", no matter how clear it is is just to small. They need at least a 4" screen on thier next model.

But hey, at least they can send cards to all thier friends. How cool is that? (sarcasm intended)


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Jun 22, 2011
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The thing is, people who love their iPhones don't care about whats inside, and that is obvious because they made a nice piece or hardward but no one is impressed because it looks the same. It is all appearances for them, how cool do I look, how cool will people think I am with this phone, will my friends be jealous and have to run out and upgrade too?

Sorry (and not to pick on you, but I've had this three or four times today elsewhere too), but I've heard this particular bit of anti-Apple rubbish waaaay too many times. It's not true, and never has been. Some people might be attracted by image alone. Some. But a minority. Does anyone seriously think most or all of the millions of iOS device owners are just shallow, image-conscious suckers for a shiny box?

Apple has customer satisfaction rates and loyalty/repeat purchase rates that any company - Microsoft, Google, Samsung, HTC, and Nokia - would kill for, across the board from all demographics. You don't get those just by making something that's all mouth and no trousers.

As for the negativity in the press. Ask yourself this - do they make a fuss when HTC release yet another handset that looks largely like the last one? Or Samsung release yet another galaxy S2 variant? Nope. They speculate like crazy on Apple, and loads of people had iPhone 5 this and new shape that last week. And they were all wrong. Some of this negativity is just covering their tracks because Apple didn't ship what they thought they would, exposing them as the guessers they are, and the anti-Apple brigade are jumping on the bashing wagon while the bashing is good.

Right now, I think they could have released a 1mm thick handset with a 5 week battery life, 50 megapixel camera, retina projector that displays the screen in your eye so it's equivalent to a 50-inch HD plasta TV and 4D interface that allows you to see through time and people would still be complaining about something. Whereas if Nokia had made the 4S and released it tomorrow with identical specs only with WP7 on it, other than the single factor of screen size spec-wise it would immediately be the flagship device for WP7 by miles. That's something worth bearing in mind.


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Sep 29, 2011
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Sorry (and not to pick on you, but I've had this three or four times today elsewhere too), but I've heard this particular bit of anti-Apple rubbish waaaay too many times. It's not true, and never has been. Some people might be attracted by image alone. Some. But a minority. Does anyone seriously think most or all of the millions of iOS device owners are just shallow, image-conscious suckers for a shiny box?

Apple has customer satisfaction rates and loyalty/repeat purchase rates that any company - Microsoft, Google, Samsung, HTC, and Nokia - would kill for, across the board from all demographics. You don't get those just by making something that's all mouth and no trousers.

As for the negativity in the press. Ask yourself this - do they make a fuss when HTC release yet another handset that looks largely like the last one? Or Samsung release yet another galaxy S2 variant? Nope. They speculate like crazy on Apple, and loads of people had iPhone 5 this and new shape that last week. And they were all wrong. Some of this negativity is just covering their tracks because Apple didn't ship what they thought they would, exposing them as the guessers they are, and the anti-Apple brigade are jumping on the bashing wagon while the bashing is good.

Right now, I think they could have released a 1mm thick handset with a 5 week battery life, 50 megapixel camera, retina projector that displays the screen in your eye so it's equivalent to a 50-inch HD plasta TV and 4D interface that allows you to see through time and people would still be complaining about something. Whereas if Nokia had made the 4S and released it tomorrow with identical specs only with WP7 on it, other than the single factor of screen size spec-wise it would immediately be the flagship device for WP7 by miles. That's something worth bearing in mind.

Touche, I shouldn't have lumped all iPhone users into one group. Those that care about image only might be a minority as you say. But from what I have noticed, Apple is putting out a machine that is going to be a great phone, hardward wise at least, and I have noticed more disappointment then praise. It is basically a new phone in an old body but it seems many, many people are not satisfied. Everyone was expecting a new form factor, myself included as I was excited to see what they came out with.

If they (Apple) step ahead of everyone else then people scramble around to meet or beat many of the things that Apple included. I believe competition is the best thing for everyone. If there were only one or two real choices for mobile OS's than innovation would slow as they would havve no one to beat. I support WP and it's obvious they have had an influence on Apple as they are using things that MS had on thier phones already.

Apple is held to a high standard that no other manufacurers are held to. They are expected to be innovative or do things better than other people are doing them at the moment. They did not meet expectations this time around. They really didn't produce much that was innovative or better than the others.

Siri is one of the things that they are putting out that no one has. MS has Tell Me but it is not the same. I for one don't feel like holding conversations with my phone or letting it make decisions for me. I also wonder why it is only available on the new models. Does that mean that the old models can't handle it with the current hardware? Maybe it's just a selling point that is inteded to get people to upgrade to the newest model. Besides Siri and the Greeting Card app thing, I didn't see much orginality or innovation to speak of.

Plus, the people that really care about hardware specs are also in the minority. If they weren't than the phone wouldn't be receving a luke warm response. IMO, most people follow trends and that is part of the reason Apple is so successful. For example, the millions of soccer moms could care less about a dual core process, if they even know what that means, but want to have the phone their friends have and whats popular.

Thanks for the non bashing response Pronk. I will think out my posts a little more before I make such generlizations.


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Feb 2, 2011
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I think if the iPhone 4s had been released in June....it wouldn't have been such a let down..

But the fact that they took so long to put out such a seemingly minor upgrade is a bit head scratching.

I laugh at that Siri promo, where the runner asks to set up a meeting at such a time, and Siri says the meeting is over booking the time slot.

But if you were setting up the appointment in your phone yourself..you would have seen that. Just a bit illogical.

I think Siri will have the same effect Kinect has. It is advertised easily, and it's cool, new age ish, and it will impress the non-technophobes to no end.

Right now, Microsoft isnt' even in the conversation. I see my friends ask for phone suggestions on Facebook, and it's iPhone or "Droid."


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Sep 14, 2011
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Siri is going to have a bigger effect than Kinect -- it's a **** of a neat technology.

Apple shot themselves in the foot, though, in incorporating it as an iPhone 4S-only feature. The Siri app has been in the app store for all iPhones running iOS4, and is now getting pulled for the release of the 4S.

What does this say of Apple? They know they had to dangle a carrot for the new phone aside from hardware upgrades. They did it with the 3GS (video recording).

The 4S is going to be a successful phone with great new hardware and an awesome feature set. Unfortunately, in my opinion, Apple got a little greedy by not just letting the new hardware speak for itself as an upgrade, and they held Siri out for the 4S only. Maybe a good business move to force some people over, but not a good PR move to existing iP4 owners.
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Sep 28, 2011
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If the ip4s ran wp7 everyone here would be all over it (ignoring screen size of course, but most people dont actually want a phone that big).


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Sep 8, 2011
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I think if the iPhone 4s had been released in June....it wouldn't have been such a let down..

But the fact that they took so long to put out such a seemingly minor upgrade is a bit head scratching.

I laugh at that Siri promo, where the runner asks to set up a meeting at such a time, and Siri says the meeting is over booking the time slot.

But if you were setting up the appointment in your phone yourself..you would have seen that. Just a bit illogical.

I think Siri will have the same effect Kinect has. It is advertised easily, and it's cool, new age ish, and it will impress the non-technophobes to no end.

Right now, Microsoft isnt' even in the conversation. I see my friends ask for phone suggestions on Facebook, and it's iPhone or "Droid."

That's the problem - WP7 has NO NAME recognition. I'm no Apple ****** (in fact I currently own WebOS) but where are the new WP7s???? I don't care how well it runs on the current hardware (and I hear it runs great) BUT if I or someone else is going to buy a new phone we want up to date hardware - better processor (not just speed but better battery life), more memory (the largest WP7 is 32 GB - NON-EXPANDABLE), better screen (you know Super AMOLED+/Super LCD), better batteries. All of the WP7 hardware is 18 month old technology. Are you going to be like Apple and sell your OLD phones for Free/$99 on contract?

I'm on Verizon and I'll tell you NO WAY am I going to commit to a 2 year contact for a TROPHY - I don't care how well WP7 runs on it. Plus, I have yet to see a single WP7 anywhere (especially not at the Verizon store - they didn't have ANY in stock).

If MS doesn't pick it up on the marketing side this is going to be the Zune HD all over again - great concept - NO SALES.


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Sep 8, 2011
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That's the problem - WP7 has NO NAME recognition. I'm no Apple ****** (in fact I currently own WebOS) but where are the new WP7s???? I don't care how well it runs on the current hardware (and I hear it runs great) BUT if I or someone else is going to buy a new phone we want up to date hardware - better processor (not just speed but better battery life), more memory (the largest WP7 is 32 GB - NON-EXPANDABLE), better screen (you know Super AMOLED+/Super LCD), better batteries. All of the WP7 hardware is 18 month old technology. Are you going to be like Apple and sell your OLD phones for Free/$99 on contract?

I'm on Verizon and I'll tell you NO WAY am I going to commit to a 2 year contact for a TROPHY - I don't care how well WP7 runs on it. Plus, I have yet to see a single WP7 anywhere (especially not at the Verizon store - they didn't have ANY in stock).

If MS doesn't pick it up on the marketing side this is going to be the Zune HD all over again - great concept - NO SALES.

I agree with you but dude my Focus has 8GB memory and IS expandable and has a Super AMOLED screen.

And I'm not sure why you wouldn't commit to a Trophy after Mango. There's no reason not to unless you're waiting for those made-for-Mango devices.


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Sep 13, 2011
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IDK, I hear the rant that 4 to a 4s isn't a real spec bump, but... Double the ram, single to dual core, better faster higher color recognition camera, faster 3g (if on ATT) and better battery life. Looks like a bump to me. Just say'n.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express


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Oct 30, 2011
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1. Look at most mobile phone designs. Pretty similar, huh? The 4S may look a lot like the 4, but then the 4 is actually one of the most stand-out designs out there - and still is - so why ditch it for the sake of it? HTC had a year and came up with something that looks like a reheated Wildfire (Radar) and a black slab (Titan). The Omnia 7S looks like a galaxy S2, which also looks like a black slab. There's Apple and Nokia, and then everyone else is by and large variations on the same old theme.
2. Not everyone wants a whopper of a screen (and resolution - and readability - is still king). Bigger isn't necessarily better. I'd rather have a pin-sharp 3.5 display than a grainy near-5 inch display.
3. So? That's just a different UI design. You could equally complain e.g. WP7 has no folders.
4. Loads of models don't have a dedicated camera button. At least there is now a shortcut - and ultimately it's quality of photos that counts, and I can tell you from experience the iP4 camera is outstanding so I expect this new version to be at least as good, but of course at higher resolution.
5. This is changed - the antenna design is now the same for all models as the Verizon iP4 - and it's an effect I can replicate on my HTC Mozart and pretty much any other smartphone I've tried it with anyway (in fact, I even once got an Android ****** to walk off in a huff after getting his Xperia Arc to drop from 4 bars to 0).
6. Show me the phone that's indestructible.

Again, I'm not ditching my WP7 phone. But let's not do this. For every criticism and shortcoming someone can find with the 4S, I can think of at least as many for WP7 phones. I just wish we could get to a state where people appreciate any decent product with exciting new features on merit rather than playing the silly "my XX is better than your XX" contest. I've seen that since I owned a ZX Spectrum and my neighbour had a Commodore 64, and the arguments are the same now as they ever were.

The 4S is a great phone. Pretending it isn't will not stop that being true, but accepting it is doesn't make what you've got/prefer automatically worse either.

Finally some words of wisdom on this forum.


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Jul 19, 2011
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Finally some words of wisdom on this forum.

Nothing like bumping a 9 month old thread to not add any new insight or information.

Btw, now we all know that, no Apple didnt screw up. The 4s was wildly successful and Mango didn't bring the popularity to windows phone we hoped for.

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