Did AT&T forget about us?

I soft reset my phone every night after I put it on the charger, and close out of all my programs when finished with them. I don't get battery drain as a result. I took tons of pictures and some HD video on Sunday while at the races, and had my phone off the charger from early morning until late at night, and didn't drain my battery. From my experience, the batter life is way better than what I found on Android.​

I think it's excessive to do a soft reset every night although I'm sure that helps. All I do is check occasionally to see if the phone is running warm when it should be idle. If so I do the soft reset. I've never had the phone randomly start draining the battery; it's ALWAYS coincided with me actually using the phone. So I tend to check within an hour of putting down the phone, particularly prior to going to bed. If the phone is cool you're good.

What apps cause the problem seems to be totally random. This leads me to believe it's either a deep OS issue or there is some kind of hardware flaw. Either way, I suspect we'll only see a permanent fix when totally new hardware comes along.

AT&T has nothing to do with this. They don't care and I highly doubt they have the technical expertise to fix anything, let alone even identify the problem. Look at the junk that are AT&T's own apps.
Excessive to do a soft reset nightly? It only takes 30 seconds. I put it on the charger, then do the power button/down volume button until screen goes blank and it vibrates, then I put the phone down and that's where it stays for the night. In a perfect world perhaps even a soft reset wouldn't be necessary, but if 30 seconds can help keep my baby purring then I'm going to do that excessive soft reset. :-)

I do agree with you though, that I think certain apps may be the culprit. If anyone knows of any in particular that are battery drainers (without justification) then by all means, please share with us. I block background on all apps that I don't need updating indiscriminately. The only other thing I can think of to help with battery drain is to soft reset if you feel the phone getting too warm. Intense games, of course, are going to suck battery down, and probably warm this baby up.
They think since ATT got Portico first, amber should have been first on ATT as well.
what irritates me is models that came out long after the 920 are getting it first. 1029 already has it, and I'm fine with that, but 925 etc got it already. I feel like us early adopters are getting ignored.
I'm sure it's elsewhere in the forums, but what's the difference between soft reset and powering off? I'm assuming soft resets don't remove anything like hard resets do if you're doing it nightly.

For me, it seems when I charge using USB from computer my charges last 1 day or longer, but when I charge from the wireless charger, it goes down fast. That's the only real correlation i've ever seen.
I'm sure it's elsewhere in the forums, but what's the difference between soft reset and powering off? I'm assuming soft resets don't remove anything like hard resets do if you're doing it nightly.

For me, it seems when I charge using USB from computer my charges last 1 day or longer, but when I charge from the wireless charger, it goes down fast. That's the only real correlation i've ever seen.

Me and my wife both have 920s. Hers is losing its charge like crazy daily for a while now. Mine is somewhat stable, but internet browsing and watching videos take a serious toll on battery reserves. One thing I have noticed is my battery seems to last longer away from the house. Hers sucks energy almost anywhere. We use a Microcell, so I wonder if that's a factor. Also, I can't purchase anything in the app store while at home. complains of not being able to connect to the store or some kind of crap.
Me and my wife both have 920s. Hers is losing its charge like crazy daily for a while now. Mine is somewhat stable, but internet browsing and watching videos take a serious toll on battery reserves. One thing I have noticed is my battery seems to last longer away from the house. Hers sucks energy almost anywhere. We use a Microcell, so I wonder if that's a factor. Also, I can't purchase anything in the app store while at home. complains of not being able to connect to the store or some kind of crap.

you need to tell her that when that happens she needs to turn the phone off. It appears that some apps become stuck and constantly pull power from your battery and suck amps like crazy. I've found that rebooting the phone fixes this.
Excessive to do a soft reset nightly? It only takes 30 seconds. I put it on the charger, then do the power button/down volume button until screen goes blank and it vibrates, then I put the phone down and that's where it stays for the night. In a perfect world perhaps even a soft reset wouldn't be necessary, but if 30 seconds can help keep my baby purring then I'm going to do that excessive soft reset. :-)

I do agree with you though, that I think certain apps may be the culprit. If anyone knows of any in particular that are battery drainers (without justification) then by all means, please share with us. I block background on all apps that I don't need updating indiscriminately. The only other thing I can think of to help with battery drain is to soft reset if you feel the phone getting too warm. Intense games, of course, are going to suck battery down, and probably warm this baby up.

I think the weave app is the one getting stuck
Tweeted @ATT to at least put out some info about how far they are in testing GDR2/Amber or a tentative date to rolling it out. Response was typical CYA - "We don't want to give you a date and not follow through. Our team is working on it, and we appreciate your patience."
Maybe they skip Amber and we'll get Bittersweet Shimmer?

You might as well be telling me that my doorbell is about to ring and upon opening the door, I discover its a hot stripper my wife invited over for a threesome.

Keep on a dream'n....
Tweeted @ATT to at least put out some info about how far they are in testing GDR2/Amber or a tentative date to rolling it out. Response was typical CYA - "We don't want to give you a date and not follow through. Our team is working on it, and we appreciate your patience."

Yeah, was I reading through all the ATT tweets regarding GDR2/Amber... nice to see their twitter feed clogged up with Lumia fans! Let's keep it up!!

I picture the scene is like this at ol' AT&T:
"Apple's iPhone 5s is coming out soon... we need LOTS of people on this!!"

"Wait... isn't there some update to the Nokia phones?"

"Nokia? Is that one of our Android phones?"

"No, sir... it's a Windows Phone."

"We still sell those?? Well, put an intern on it... and make sure he strips out any features that might we might be able to charge people for."

"There's no such thing as a free lunch, is there sir?"

"No there isn't, Johnson... no there isn't."​
Tweeted @ATT to at least put out some info about how far they are in testing GDR2/Amber or a tentative date to rolling it out. Response was typical CYA - "We don't want to give you a date and not follow through. Our team is working on it, and we appreciate your patience."

@ATT is giving nothing but canned answers anymore, when they bother to reply at all. Keep hitting them up, much as you can, so that maybe they'll get the point that their customers are not happy. @ATT tweeted about being on the "edge of their seats" waiting for the football game to start in 'their' stadium, and they got a bunch of replies saying "We're on the edge of our seats waiting for our updates".
From @ATTCustomerCare, in response to a tweeter stating he was going to flash his phone, since he was tired of waiting for AT&T.

"Hi ****, We know you're eager for the update. OS updates require a lot of coordination with the manufacturer to make sure everything's up to par for use on our network. We'll be sure to let folks know when it's available. Please follow @ATT for the latest"

This has been the canned answer for weeks. Start tweeting @ATT and @ATTCustomerCare as often as you can, let them know we're not happy. Maybe then they'll make the intern that's working on the WP project full-time and he can finish this project.

I'm curious, does anyone know what the process is for iOS updates? Do they get delayed and modified and released in steps? When I had an iPhone 3GS from work, it seemed like everyone, no matter which iPhone they had, got their updates at the exact same time. That was on AT&T as well.
From @ATTCustomerCare, in response to a tweeter stating he was going to flash his phone, since he was tired of waiting for AT&T.

"Hi ****, We know you're eager for the update. OS updates require a lot of coordination with the manufacturer to make sure everything's up to par for use on our network. We'll be sure to let folks know when it's available. Please follow @ATT for the latest"

This has been the canned answer for weeks. Start tweeting @ATT and @ATTCustomerCare as often as you can, let them know we're not happy. Maybe then they'll make the intern that's working on the WP project full-time and he can finish this project.

I'm curious, does anyone know what the process is for iOS updates? Do they get delayed and modified and released in steps? When I had an iPhone 3GS from work, it seemed like everyone, no matter which iPhone they had, got their updates at the exact same time. That was on AT&T as well.

apple controls the OS updates right?
apple controls the OS updates right?

I don't know, not sure what the difference is. I didn't have the iPhone very long, switched from company phone to phone reimbursement, so I don't really know what all the policies and procedures are, or why, but I do know that they're different.
apple controls the OS updates right?
Yes . The difference is they have more leverage with the carriers. On top of that I'm pretty sure Apple also has behind the scenes agreements and contracts with the carriers. And finally Apple has quite legendary support so if an iOS update breaks something the the carrier can say "talk to Apple, their problem" and Apple will deal with the issue so the carrier isn't inundated with calls.

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