Did AT&T forget about us?

Should AT&T not push GDR2 on time, I'm going to pressure them for a free upgrade to the 1020, which does have GDR2. I don't like paying for bad service.
So here is what's really going on. During some of the GDR2+Amber roll outs on other 920 carriers there have been some issues. Nokia put a freeze on the update and is making corrections. This corrected release should receive technical acceptance by 10/7 and be out to everyone by 10/21. I know it sucks as I'm waiting on this update as much as anyone but at least we now know what's going on. I just wish Nokia or AT&T would have made a public statement instead of me having to go through my contacts at both.

My interpretation of your trusted source says the following: AT&T decided to bail on the GDR2/Amber update as GDR3 is just around the corner and they would prefer to do 1 update for the 920 to GDR3 and just skip GDR2 given the proximity of the releases. Just like any other "hearsay" rumor you can take that to the bank.
My interpretation of your trusted source says the following: AT&T decided to bail on the GDR2/Amber update as GDR3 is just around the corner and they would prefer to do 1 update for the 920 to GDR3 and just skip GDR2 given the proximity of the releases. Just like any other "hearsay" rumor you can take that to the bank.

That's a good interpretation for "corrections." But even so, I think 10/21 is too early for GDR3 haha
You guys keep going to CS but keep getting BS canned responses. Why not attempt to find the software engineers who are working on the update or contact someone higher on the ladder like the CEO? We could even maybe ask belfiore to enquire information on what att's plans are for the 920.
Lets focus our efforts elsewhere. Stop doing the same thing over and over when you get the same outcome.
Should AT&T not push GDR2 on time, I'm going to pressure them for a free upgrade to the 1020, which does have GDR2. I don't like paying for bad service.

but then you will get stuck waiting for the GDR3 update which is included with the 1520 that everyone believe swill be sold in nov.
You guys keep going to CS but keep getting BS canned responses. Why not attempt to find the software engineers who are working on the update or contact someone higher on the ladder like the CEO? We could even maybe ask belfiore to enquire information on what att's plans are for the 920.
Lets focus our efforts elsewhere. Stop doing the same thing over and over when you get the same outcome.

going to cs is also a good tactic, because it usually goes into their metrics of calls, this shows how many people are unhappy with them and what they are looking for.
I don't mind if ATT skip GDR2 for GDR3. which is due in November. They just should come clean about it.
You guys keep going to CS but keep getting BS canned responses. Why not attempt to find the software engineers who are working on the update or contact someone higher on the ladder like the CEO? We could even maybe ask belfiore to enquire information on what att's plans are for the 920.
Lets focus our efforts elsewhere. Stop doing the same thing over and over when you get the same outcome.

This has been tried as well, there have been several people (myself included) who have contacted AT&T's Office of the President, and Joe Belfiore, regarding the stonewall job from AT&T. The Office of the President gave the same answers that customer service has been giving, almost word for word. This seems to be an official response from AT&T. Joe Belfiore didn't bother to respond at all. As for the software engineers that are working on the update, well the consensus seems to be that there's one part-time intern in a windowless cubicle somewhere in an AT&T office building, with limited WP knowledge, who spends most of his work time going "c'mon, guys! I wanna play with an iPhone!"

Some other people have stated that flooding customer service throws off their metrics, which is a very good idea and should get some long-term attention. In the short term, hammering Facebook and Twitter, while seeming futile, will get noticed.

I've also posted a thread in a different section asking WPC to do an article on AT&T and their treatment of WP customers, lend that some support as well. http://forums.windowscentral.com/carrier-discussion-lounge/242954-how-about-article-t.html

I think the important thing isn't really who you're talking to, but that you're talking. The more AT&T gets hammered, from more directions, the sooner they may realize that their WP customers want to be taken seriously.

Either that or we start leaning on Microsoft to take their business to Verizon, but that doesn't seem to be likely.
I don't mind if ATT skip GDR2 for GDR3. which is due in November. They just should come clean about it.

I mind this very much because it establishes a terrible precedent. So now AT&T gets to decide which updates are critical and which aren't? How about the day AT&T decides my Lumia 920 isn't worth their bother and stops pushing updates altogether?

It already looks like we're most of the way there. And American carriers consistently follow each others' lead. Great way to screw Windows Phone. There are loyalists who might jump to the next new phone so that they can stay current, but that eventually will lead to frustration. Most consumers will just switch devices out of frustration because it's easier to do that than to switch carrier.

We pay an arm and a leg for our phone service, timely updates should be part of that deal. I pay what an iPhone user pays, why is it okay that AT&T drags their feet with my updates?
I mind this very much because it establishes a terrible precedent. So now AT&T gets to decide which updates are critical and which aren't? How about the day AT&T decides my Lumia 920 isn't worth their bother and stops pushing updates altogether?
I think we're already there...
I tweeted at AT&T customer service yesterday saying that most of the world has gotten Nokia's Amber update. They answered me saying that I was correct and that I should keep looking for updates in their news feeds about it...thanks...

This was after I wrote a nicely worded letter to AT&T via email about my concerns. Hopefully we will see the update by the end of the month, but I'm not holding my breath.
Even in AT&T posts in Facebook, people comment on those and ask about the GDR2 update, and they say "We don't know when we will receive it. Stay tuned.". This bothers the heck out of me. If Microsoft doesn't become like Apple, and doesn't make it so they don't need to wait 10 months for the carrier, I'm switching to an iPhone. Ya, you heard me. I'm sick of this.
I mind this very much because it establishes a terrible precedent. So now AT&T gets to decide which updates are critical and which aren't? How about the day AT&T decides my Lumia 920 isn't worth their bother and stops pushing updates altogether?

As mentioned, that day has long come and gone. MS has nothing to say, while the carriers can do as much or little as they want. Nothing new. Been that way for ages.
My interpretation of your trusted source says the following: AT&T decided to bail on the GDR2/Amber update as GDR3 is just around the corner and they would prefer to do 1 update for the 920 to GDR3 and just skip GDR2 given the proximity of the releases. Just like any other "hearsay" rumor you can take that to the bank.

No it's still GDR2 because I was told GDR3 doesn't come out until November. Right after the release of the new phablet.
Does GDR2 really add enough to make a big difference, especially after AT&T is done stripping it?
This has been tried as well, there have been several people (myself included) who have contacted AT&T's Office of the President, and Joe Belfiore, regarding the stonewall job from AT&T. The Office of the President gave the same answers that customer service has been giving, almost word for word. This seems to be an official response from AT&T. Joe Belfiore didn't bother to respond at all. As for the software engineers that are working on the update, well the consensus seems to be that there's one part-time intern in a windowless cubicle somewhere in an AT&T office building, with limited WP knowledge, who spends most of his work time going "c'mon, guys! I wanna play with an iPhone!"

Someones put a video by Lewis Black best sums up ATT, on http://forums.windowscentral.com/carrier-discussion-lounge/242954-how-about-article-t.html worth a watch, at least it will make you laugh !!!!

Some other people have stated that flooding customer service throws off their metrics, which is a very good idea and should get some long-term attention. In the short term, hammering Facebook and Twitter, while seeming futile, will get noticed.

I've also posted a thread in a different section asking WPC to do an article on AT&T and their treatment of WP customers, lend that some support as well. http://forums.windowscentral.com/carrier-discussion-lounge/242954-how-about-article-t.html

I think the important thing isn't really who you're talking to, but that you're talking. The more AT&T gets hammered, from more directions, the sooner they may realize that their WP customers want to be taken seriously.

Either that or we start leaning on Microsoft to take their business to Verizon, but that doesn't seem to be likely.
Does GDR2 really add enough to make a big difference, especially after AT&T is done stripping it?

For most people it's Amber that's really the big deal. In my case I just need the wav file support because that's what our Cisco voice mail system uses for voice mail attachments over email.
I mind this very much because it establishes a terrible precedent. So now AT&T gets to decide which updates are critical and which aren't? How about the day AT&T decides my Lumia 920 isn't worth their bother and stops pushing updates altogether
hmmmm, sounds like my Samsung Focus.

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