Did AT&T forget about us?

If its taking them this long to get us gdr2, I'm not optimistic about them getting gdr3 out in November. Hope I'm wrong.
The sad thing is now with ios7 having issues, att will focus on keeping the isheep happy... Amber is probably not even back burner now, but not even on the stove!

at least it's nice that proshot went .99 on sale, since I can't use nokias pro cam until Amber. That was a pleasant surprise today! :-)
_Was_ with AT&T since the original flip-phone days – No longer. Blocking the Data Sense app is just plain GREED personified by corporate AT&T. Avarice Through & Through!
My AT&T branded Nokia Lumia 520 came with the GDR2/Amber update installed, mid-August 2013. The phone and apps are excellent! But, no Data Sense. Research the Web = it's all on AT&T.
Decided to buy a Nokia Lumia 521, and now moving on to a T-Mobile MVNO. Much better rates and, Data Sense is operational and fully supported!
Goodbye AT&T!
Yea a Nexus device is really looking good right now. Being held hostage by a carrier is really getting old. I never used a nexus device but I am considering it now cause they unlocked and updates come straight from google.
Translation: you read it on the internet so you know it's the truth... rolleyes

Look I'm going to make it very clear. It came directly from my Nokia rep. She has no reason to lie to me because it effects a pilot program we're doing with Windows Phone 8 at my work. We'll get GDR2 in October and GDR3 in November. Hopefully sooner in October but no later than 10/21.
My Nokia Lumia 920 is unlocked and I am from Sri Lanka.. I bought the phone thrg my friend in US. And unlock it by calling At&t customer care..
My question is.. Should I wait until at&t release the amber updates or the updates coming to my phone directly from nokia since my phone is unlocked?
I can deal with a delay if there is a legitimate issue with the update. What annoys me most is the complete and utter lack of communication from ATT, Nokia, and Microsoft on the issue to the general public. There are a total of 3 people in my household (including me) who own and love their 920s. At this point i'd just flash them with the update, but I don't want to risk voiding the warranties, or being deprived of future updates if a problem comes up down the line from flashing.
Look I'm going to make it very clear. It came directly from my Nokia rep. She has no reason to lie to me because it effects a pilot program we're doing with Windows Phone 8 at my work. We'll get GDR2 in October and GDR3 in November. Hopefully sooner in October but no later than 10/21.

So correct me if I'm wrong, your pilot program for a select few is holding up a update for thousands of AT&T customers which will probably never benefit from it. WHAT A CROCK, UNBELIEVABLE
So correct me if I'm wrong, your pilot program for a select few is holding up a update for thousands of AT&T customers which will probably never benefit from it. WHAT A CROCK, UNBELIEVABLE

I think that's the other way around, actually.

The Nokia rep has no reason to lie to bpmurr because this delay from AT&T is causing issues for their pilot. Not the pilot is causing issues for us. That would be unbelieveable.

Whether or not you believe bpmurr's contact if up to you.
I think that's the other way around, actually.

The Nokia rep has no reason to lie to bpmurr because this delay from AT&T is causing issues for their pilot. Not the pilot is causing issues for us. That would be unbelieveable.

Whether or not you believe bpmurr's contact if up to you.

Thank you for having good reading comprehension skills! :) That's exactly what's going on. My pilot has nothing to do with the delay. However, the delay is keeping us from rolling 920s out to a broader base.
Thank you for having good reading comprehension skills! :) That's exactly what's going on. My pilot has nothing to do with the delay. However, the delay is keeping us from rolling 920s out to a broader base.

Me dumb, sorry I thought it was the other way around
I'm just ticked like everyone else, since AT&T will not tell us anything.
I can deal with a delay if there is a legitimate issue with the update. What annoys me most is the complete and utter lack of communication from ATT, Nokia, and Microsoft on the issue to the general public. There are a total of 3 people in my household (including me) who own and love their 920s. At this point i'd just flash them with the update, but I don't want to risk voiding the warranties, or being deprived of future updates if a problem comes up down the line from flashing.

This is EXACTLY why I am ticked off. If it is communicated to us paying customers I would be less upset. I would be a little annoyed, but not as ticked off as I now am.
Just hit the "check for updates" button again on my 920..... As of Monday, Sept 30th 12:33 am on the east coast U.S., we still have nothing... :/

(still enjoying Amber/GDR2 on my bright yellow 1020 though! :D )
I'm kind of surprised there's been no article by WPcentral on it being taken down for bugs. Still, did all the other carriers have bugs? I haven't heard of too many with 920s on GDR2/Amber...

AT&T is just showing their size too much right now... Too big to care to tell their WP customers anything. I've had good experiences with their customer service dept before and I like their coverage, but this is just silly. They just need to change their canned answers from " OS updates are difficult, blah blah blah." to "there's a problem removing DataSense and we had to send it back to Nokia to fix".

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