Did AT&T forget about us?

I don't want this thread to die as it has provided a boatload of entertainment. ( obligatory c'mon att where is my update!!!) thanks
Good news. ATT will push out Amber tomorrow.

Would you care to expand on your comment? What is your source? It appears this is your first comment in these forums, so please offer some kind of additional information before you lose credibility within this community.
i know this is not proper source.. but many are start to say that AT&T waits GDR3... is that true?
After a lot of waiting and research on the various sites with forums I decided to flash and run the rogers ROM. Many thanks to Juan here at WP Central for his instructions on how to do this. Also visited the XDA site to learn how to get the Pro Cam app from Nokia with the update. Successful in every way! Great camera and there is no change in the pics when I save them. And the framing and focus editing is unbelievable. Data Sense is also really nice, I would bet anything that ATT strips it out before their release ...if in fact that ever happens. I would still be waiting on the 7.8 up date for my Dads Samsung Focus were it not for the Seven-Eighter app that allowed me to install the 7.8 update. All parties involved (ATT and Microsoft) should be ashamed of their treatment of the few of us that do support the WP OS.
ATT GDR2 update. Paul Thurott left a comment in the wp8.1 rumors article that said "Your patience with GDR2 will soon be rewarded."
why would you ever want to return to ATT firmware?? Wait till you get a look at the stripped down update they eventually??? send out
ATT wants to be quiet about so not everyone downloads at once. It will be pushed OTA within 24hrs.
The update still isn't on Nokia's servers. Historically there is about a week between when it shows up on Nokia's servers and it gets pushed to our phones. I'd love to get the update tonight but all signs point to not.

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