Did AT&T forget about us?

Anyone else, after updating, getting the Photos live tile stuck showing the default Windows Phone 8 images? I even deleted the folder with those photos and they're still coming up.
Has anyone else noticed increased sharpness and resolution? It seems like text and pictures are sharper, which is something I've always felt the 920 could've improved on compared to the iPhone and HTC One X (for example). After Amber the screen is sharper than it used to be and comparable to those devices. Maybe I've been playing with the color profile too much lol, which I love that feature so much.
well after fifteen hours yesterday my phone came out of the spinning gears, but then it froze. I did soft reset , and it froze again. So I figured hard reset was in order. This was at midnight last night. I cleaned up the phone, and did a hard reset, gears are still spinning and it's almost 10am. Dressing now to find a ride an hour away, to the nearest att store. This phone is only four months old, and it was an upgrade, from a 920 I had with a broken screen. Hopefully they replace the phone.
I can as well, but its one of those things that I've been waiting for for a bit. When I'm out around town it would be cool to have to see what's being used. Either way I'm pleased with the updates so far. Pro Cam is really nice.

Yeah the ProCam is awesome!! Can't stop messing with it.
I don't see any difference in Xbox music either.. Of course I use Nokia music anyway. I like it a lot better.

Maybe a hard reset will fix the issue, but at this point the app is quite laggy (unlike before the update) and some issues which were said to have been fixed with GDR2 still persist. I'm gonna try Nokia Music to compare which one works better for me. Thanks.
Has anyone else noticed that picture quality is worse? Whenever I take a photo now, the post image is really nice. When it swipes away and I swipe back to pictures to see the resulting photo, there is a yellow tint to it now.

I see the same thing? I can't remember if it always did that or not. I do think the saved image looked a little different from the image on the screen when the picture was taken in the past, but it is very noticable now.
WOW I waited all this time for my battery drain to be 3x worse and lower ringtone/notification volume. Well worth it (not)
Didn't post yesterday, I was sick as a dog. Feeling better today, but still not 100%. Anyway... it took about 15 minutes to do the update on my 920 (actually, I think about 20 if you count download time). My battery life seems better, but it wasn't bad to begin with. It's 8:59 AM, my phone's been unplugged since 5:30 AM, and I'm still showing 100%. Granted, I've only exchanged a few emails and texts and opened up NextGen reader once, but pre-update I'd have been down to about 95% by now.

I can say that pre-update 6tag made my phone run REALLY hot. Rudy (6tag developer) said that was fixed in GDR2 and he was right! Now 6tag runs perfectly without any overheating issue. I'll check 6sec later.

Worth the wait? I dunno... we shouldn't have had to wait in the first place. But I'm glad that AT&T did finally put it out instead of shoving off to GDR3 or ignoring us altogether. *shrug* I kept eyeing my 4S because even on iOS 7 the apps I use ran smoothly and without issue (whereas they caused overheating on my 920 pre-update), but I'm not eyeing it any longer. :)
My battery has improved a bit it seems, but it was already good as is. The ringtone/mms tones being softer is annoying. Glance is pointless right now. Images from the camera are all yellow according to everyone. What exactly was so great about this update?
Anyone else, after updating, getting the Photos live tile stuck showing the default Windows Phone 8 images? I even deleted the folder with those photos and they're still coming up.

Yea the update did that to me too. I don't even remember what I had it on to begin with though haha
My battery has improved a bit it seems, but it was already good as is. The ringtone/mms tones being softer is annoying. Glance is pointless right now. Images from the camera are all yellow according to everyone. What exactly was so great about this update?

The thing I like about glance is the out of pocket usability. Pull the phone out, see the time(and eventually notifications) without having to hit the button, and then back in our pocket. Outside of that, waving my hand over my phone is dumb, and not any easier than just hitting the button.

I've not noticed the tones change. I'm using the Microsoft tones(and a custom ringtone), is it just the Nokia ones that are lower?
We have 2 920s in our family. The yellow one that I own got the update, while my wife's white one refuses to detect any update even after checking multiple times yesterday evening. I tried turning off wifi and checking, rebooting. This is in the Bay Area in California. Anyone else seeing the same issue? What gives?
NinjaPenguin777 said:
Images from the camera are all yellow according to everyone.
My understanding is that only happens with the ProCam app... or one of the Nokia camera apps, but not the regular, built-in camera app.

Yeah, I just took a couple of test pics with the built-in camera app, they're not yellowed at all. Did you test it on your phone?
I can say that pre-update 6tag made my phone run REALLY hot. Rudy (6tag developer) said that was fixed in GDR2 and he was right! Now 6tag runs perfectly without any overheating issue. I'll check 6sec later.

The biggest complaint I have with the 920 is the overheating. Playing some games for more than 5 mins can make the top of the phone almost untouchable. I noticed last night that Procam was as well making my phone warm. I hope this is something they can get worked out in newer devices.
Are you yet on GDR2?

Not that I'm making excuses, but I've never owned a phone that games didn't make run hot. *shrug*

Yea I got it last night, well mid day to be exact. If the heating has changed with GDR2(I've not really tested it much yet) then great. I'll be very happy to see that fixed.

And yea, most devices do so can't really complain much. Hell, I'm still having heat issues with my PC(been forced back into taking off my side panel and use my floor fan haha). I can't wait to get my water cooling.
I just played a game here and the phone didn't get as hot. However it appeared to struggle more too, so I'm wondering if they are down-clocking the phone now when it gets warm.

Tones on the phone dialer appear to be a nice volume too rather than silly loud.
I noticed that the glance screen, in a completely dark room, illuminates all of the pixels, the black is illuminated to be black. My 925 doesn't have any other pixels illuminated when glance is on. I read somewhere that that is the difference between the 920's LCD screen and the 925's OLED. Is this right? That the screen on my 920 is powering pixels to illuminate for the purpose of glance? Won't that cause some kind of burn-in with my screen?

Are you sure about this? My friend has a 928 which is OLED like your 925, but there is still some light coming through all the pixels. Of course with the 920, we have LCD so all of the pixels will light up at low brightness level. Could you maybe try checking your 925 in a pitch dark room and see if the blacks are actually off?
Yeah, I just took a couple of test pics with the built-in camera app, they're not yellowed at all. Did you test it on your phone?

I just checked. And it's happening in the stock camera app as well. The difference is that the stock camera app takes the yellowish picture in the live view, whereas the procam pictures change when you view them in the little bubble after you've taken the picture. Try this:

Take a low-mid light picture in the stock camera app. Then take the same picture with pro cam. Click on the bubble and watch it process in to a yellowish color. Then click back and click on the camera roll button next to it. Now compare the two pictures side by side. Exactly the same.

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