Difference between APN settings option under 'Cellular'/'Mobile Networks' and 'Access point'


New member
Dec 15, 2012
In my L920 settings, there is a "add internet apn" button under Cellular (US English) or Mobile networks (when set to UK English)

This seems disconnected from the 'Access point' APN management options under settings which seem to allow adding and managing of different APNs

1) What is the difference between the two?
2) Is 'Access point' under settings a WP8 default category or something Nokia adds/customises?
3) Is the "add internet apn" button under Cellular/Mobile default or also added by Nokia? (how stupid is it to change the name of a setting with language :S, just keep it Mobile Network!)

You guys have a setting called access point? I don't think I have that, I've always went to cellular to change my APN.
Do you have a Lumia? If so have you updated to the latest Nokia system apps? You can udate to the latest apps by visiting Nokia Windows Phone 8 App Updates - Nokia Support Discussions

Oh, you have to install it. I don't have it installed, I just always changed my APN in the cellular menu.

I guess then the difference between the two is cellular/mobile network is by Microsoft and is built in to WP. It of course only allows one APN while the access point setting allows you to manage several and switch between those APNs. I believe access point was designed for those who have multiple SIMs and switch between them often enough that manually typing in APN settings each time would become tedious.

I believe access point is something Nokia added on and isn't included by default (at least for me it wasn't, I have a locked AT&T device).

Add internet APN under cellular/mobile is by Microsoft.

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