Disable birthday calendar on Band 2?


New member
Mar 1, 2015
I've enabled the birthday calendar from facebook on my phone, so I'll never miss a birthday since it's always on my live tile (lumia 950 xl). However, since a while, my Band 2 picks the birthdays up as well, and gives me a notification at 00:00. Sure, I want to be up to date but this is a bit exaggerated. I think I didn't have those notifications of birthdays before, only after some recent update or reset I think... any way to disable them?

I do not get a notification on my phone (there's no reminder selected for the 'appointment' in my calendar). I can of course disable all notifications, but I still like to get my normal appointment reminders....
Well, thats something different. I've set facebook to connect with my phone, so friends information including birthdays are imported in People and Calendar. That way, I can see the birthdays in my main calendar (even on the live tile), but apprently ?ll calendar items are sended to Band - including those birthdays. Was looking for a way to get notifications for one calendar, but not for the other...
Oh I think I understand.. Head oer to calendar.live.com > log in using the same account you use for the phone > tap on the gear icon > remove the birthday calendar option :)

Hope this does it

Edit: would be best to use a pc for this

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