Disable "Search" Capacitive Button?


New member
Dec 2, 2012
I like the larger screen size for visibility but I don't like the Search button so close to the edge. The pad of my thumb hits the Search button in the bottom right corner every time I reach for something on the screen. Every other thing I reach for has to be followed with a Back button to exit Search, and then a second attempt. Is there any way to disable the Search button? I can open Explorer or go to a soft Google app button to search when needed. Thanks.
I feel that it is the most useless button ever. It pisses me off too because I keep hitting it accidentally all the time.
The function of those buttons are locked. I wish i could disable the buttons back light and the search button. I keep hitting it too.
People have been asking to have some control over them since WP7. Still nothing. Im guessing they just dont intend to change it, for whatever silly reason. It cant be particularly hard for them to do, so I have to think its because they just dont want to. Just like Theme colors. How hard would it have been to let us create any color? It wouldve been simple, yet they didnt do that either. Do they not have enough people working on WP OS or they just choose not to do certain things and keep us in the dark on it...
Boy would I like that. Keep hitting it by accident as well, especially with right-hand use trying to reach over to the back button. It's the price you pay for a huge screen I guess.
The function of those buttons are locked. I wish i could disable the buttons back light and the search button. I keep hitting it too.

This. I can;t say how utterly useless the backlight is when you are trying to do something like watch a video, especially at night. We have this gorgeous screen with ugly white buttons searing out our corneas while consuming media. It really does take away from the enjoyability. A LOT!
Apparently the HTC 8S has even more sensitive buttons because tape wouldn't help. I cut out a strip of the lid of an ice-box and made two dents in it for the home and the back-button and glued it on the phone. BTW I think M$ made this button to pump up the "use" of Bing.
So very true! Absolute no placement for a browser search button. Very very annoying. Esp since, my push notifications dont seem to work. So whenever, i touch this search button accidently, the app on screen gets disconnected, and has to reconnect when I close the search screen.
This issue appears over wpcentral a lot, you may find the urge to comment after further searching for 'Disable the BING button'

It's a large issue, that hampers users enjoyment of the product, I really like HTC and Windows8 is awesome on Mobile, but the non configurable BING button its not needed in my life, nor many others I've spoken to here in the UK. I get a lot of flak from iPhone users about what a useless feature the BING button is. Though it could be useful if a little thought went into how it's use could be defined.
If the buttons weren't capacitive then this wouldn't be an issue. Popped out of a game twice today because of this. Button is actually useful, just not when it is so easy to press.
My phone has a camera button less than an inch from the search button, your finger just naturally is over the search button when you are holding the phone like a camera.

Camera apps should be able to disable the buttons. Or a double click setting, to prevent accidental clicks. Something! Please Microsoft, oh the humanity! ;-)
I just invented an easy fix for this. Make it so that you need to hold it for a couple of seconds first before Bing launches.
Have to admit I find the Bing search page pop up way too often...even when I specifically try NOT to press the button !!
I hope and believe that its an incomplete implementation and part of a larger plan - Unified Search... The hindrance should eventually turn into a convenience ..
It's not just the search button, the main windows button activates in my pocket, like it's being held down. I believe what's happening is my leg is activating the button, through the pocket fabric...
First of all the phone is not very comfortable in one hand and then this search button.

It is annoying. Can we open and cut the cable to that button? DIY.

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