Disgusted with Verizon/Nokia


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Ahh, so it was Nokia who "chose" to go exclusive with the L920, and will most probably sell fewer phones and make less money as a result. Yeah, I am sure that was a part of their master plan, to sell less and make less. Think it's time to realize who controls the Smartphone market in the US. Aside from Apple that is.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro

Yes, yes it was Nokia who chose to go exclusive. It is part of their master plan. It's been known for a while.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Why? The 8X on VZW is the exact same price as the AT&T version. And you could argue that it's better since it has the wireless charging.

I was just being a bit sarcastic regarding the pricing of the Lumia models on VZW compared to AT&T that's all. ;)


New member
Jul 2, 2012
I stopped by the ATT store today just to check out what we are missing by being with Verizon. Short answer: a s*** ton!

The 920 is absolutely stunning, it feels so substantial (not heavy!) in your hands, and the whole "phone ways too much" is completely overblown even with the security connector attached to the back of it, it wasn't any heavier than a first gen iPhone or OG Droid (both of which I've had). These reviewers on the tech blogs must really actually want WP8 to fail because there is no reason to harp on the weight. It's a non-issue! The screen is drop dead gorgeous with inky blacks and popping colors, and the camera appeared to have taken some nice shots in the store when I tried it out. Plus, one thing Nokia has always been good at, is making phones with great reception and call quality. I'm anxious to hear about that aspect of it.

Anyway, for the first time in a long time, I'm seriously considering going back to ATT for this phone. It's that freaking gorgeous and we can all talk up the 8X all we want, but the fact of the matter is that it has a smaller screen and less memory for $100 more on 2-year contract than the 920.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
If you're on AT&T I would agree the 920 is a no brainer against the 8X.. a no brainer.

However, if you have to justify the weight by comparing it to the original iPhone and Droid then I don't know... I don't know.... :)


New member
Jul 2, 2012
However, if you have to justify the weight by comparing it to the original iPhone and Droid then I don't know... I don't know.... :)

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying the weight issue. Just pointing out that two well regarded phones are just as "heavy" if not heavier and that it is in fact a non-issue despite the reviewers all acting like they're breaking their backs lifting the damn thing.


New member
Apr 24, 2012
You can port over and port back, but it's a pain. You will get charged the ETF if you're still on contract, and then you'll have to deal with the customer retention department to get them to waive it, and get your original contract end date back, blah blah blah. Last year, when I got sick of waiting on Verizon, first I ported my wife and her son over to Spring when Arrive came out, but their reception was pathetic so we switched back. Then when I needed a phone in order to test an app I was working on, I ported just my number to ATT, but ported back two weeks later when Trophy came out. It was a big pain. That's why I don't want to take the leap unless I know it's going to work out.

Thanks for clarifying that. I figured it would be a pain in the tookus.

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