Windows Central Question
Display a webpage using 'webview' in Windows Phone App (Compatibility View)
I tried to create a new project using 'webview' in VS 2013 for windows phone app. The login page comes up and once I click on submit, this is what I see:
"This website is best viewed in Internet Explorer 7.
Kindly use Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or above.
If you are facing any issues while viewing the website, Please view the website in compatibility mode. "
Can we render this page somehow in this app by changing the compatibility settings?
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedTo(e As NavigationEventArgs)
Dim HomeUri As New Uri("https://url")
AddHandler HardwareButtons.BackPressed, AddressOf MainPage_BackPressed
End Sub
I tried to create a new project using 'webview' in VS 2013 for windows phone app. The login page comes up and once I click on submit, this is what I see:
"This website is best viewed in Internet Explorer 7.
Kindly use Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or above.
If you are facing any issues while viewing the website, Please view the website in compatibility mode. "
Can we render this page somehow in this app by changing the compatibility settings?
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedTo(e As NavigationEventArgs)
Dim HomeUri As New Uri("https://url")
AddHandler HardwareButtons.BackPressed, AddressOf MainPage_BackPressed
End Sub